Customer Service
Greetings scrolled by in his chatroom, alongside his price list, and small donations rolled in, ticking up his counter. it was always like this.
No Frills: Karabela
Youtube | patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **karabela arcana** **species:** tropical wolf **sex:** female **age:** 27 **height:** 5ft 8in **weight:** 140lbs **siblings:** karabela has 8 siblings and is
Offer from the Devil
I have got to give you credit, price listing is very detailed and thorough, as are your computer files.**" how the fuck did he manage to hack my computer without me noticing? did he accomplish this after i left?
No Frills: Siber
Youtube | patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **siber** **species:** bonded jackal **sex:** male **age:** 21 **height:** 6ft 0in **weight:** 130lbs **siblings:** none species notes bonded
Zophie Meets the Neighbor
"this is a price list that your momma made up years ago with the amount we lost on it. i hope you're smart enough to figure out what you need to do." she leans in close, "and don't worry, no one will know about it." my mind races with questions.
A Night out
Zander points to a line on the price list, "i see harriet has some black pepper available based on these listings. should i pass that along when i head back to my herd?" the centaurs use a mixture of human and equine terms when referencing themselves.
No Frills: Bonnie Marie Barlow
Youtube | patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **bonnie marie barlow** **species:** morgan horse **sex:** female **age:** 26 **height:** 6ft 8in (or 2.03m) **weight:** 220lbs **siblings:** 1 sister
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 53 (Epilogue)
So if you like my work send me a note, the link to my commission price-list is on my profile page. my prices are experimental atm, so i am open to negotiation if you find them a little steep.
Bounding Berries
~~~~~~~ story (c) me character (c) mysteryman01 on fa please note me for any work that you would like done and a price listing.
Cherry: Chapter 12 - Offer From the Devil
I have got to give you credit, price listing is very detailed and thorough, as are your computer files.**" how the fuck did he manage to hack my computer without me noticing? did he accomplish it after i left? was he in the apartment?
No Frills: Khezef the Dragon
Youtube | patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **khezef** **species:** dragon with a little bit of sheep dna **sex:** male **age:** a few hundred years **birthday:** around march 24th **height:** 13ft
No Frills: Igrotzny Hykok
Youtube | patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **igrotzny hykok** **species:** drake **sex:** male **age:** 43 **height:** 6ft 3in **weight:** 200lbs **siblings:** 3 siblings, all older.