The Elemental Blade: Chapter 7
Even princess zelda witnessed it." answered link. "princess zelda?" said spyro.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time made Furry and Perverted (11)
"i am impa, a servant of the royal family, and princess zelda's bodyguard. many a time i had to shoo out any male that managed to make this far, for they were not the one destined to come to her.
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 3: The Magical Realm
Princess rosalina, the princesses zelda and midna, and the goddesses of day and night, the princesses celestia and luna, are regarded as the de facto rulers of the realm of magic, dictating most galactic policy with both justice and mercy.
Story of Linkle: Pack Tactics
Linkle grinned as she helped princess zelda into her horse's saddle. there were a number of reasons behind her smile, not the least of which was getting to feel the future ruler of hyrule's lovely rear end.
Chapter 69 - Spiritual Encounters
With our important mission and princess zelda on our side, how could they not?" link looked around briefly before muttering, "xavier? nabooru?"
Chapter 84 - It All Went Wrong
As a representative of princess zelda, future queen of hyrule, you should do better to exemplify her interests and thus cement strong alliances with fellow nation leaders." he winced at ganondorf's indictments.
midna and link 2-afterward
A little while later princess zelda stepped out of the doorway. she made her way up to where link stood waiting for her. "hello link" she said as he bowed slightly to her. "i know what your trying to do and i want to help".
The Legend of Zelda and Ruto
#2 of stories princess ruto is going to visit the princess of hryule princess zelda.
The Elemental Blade: Chapter 8
princess zelda had asked link to join her for lunch. link was escorted by two guards to her private dinning room. zelda was wearing one of her favorite dresses. and the room, as always, was clean. not even a speck of dust.
Lost With Life Chapter 15
Behind the knights was princess zelda herself. for a good while, he didn't say anything at all. he just soaked in all the tension in the air, knowing that both sides in this room would take heavy losses if he gave the order to just attack.
Story of Epona: A Stable Relationship
As the orb faded it was the sight of a smiling princess zelda that brought the connection into focus. the scent that lingered heavily in this area was that of her beloved link in his stallion form.
Broken Hero, Shattered Timeline 2
This was his nemesis, but when he stared long enough he just felt a confusing swirl of lust and what he felt when first meeting princess zelda. "i can see it in your eyes," ganon said. eyes that now matched ganon's.