Werewulf part 22
#22 of werewulf hey guys im soooooo sorry its been so long and its gunna be long again but my real life stuff keeps adding up :/ and i have to take more hours at work because i have a lease on a car and gas and stuff and all that :p but yeah, heres 22!
A Life in Service
Okay so real life stuff i can't exactly explain just yet not only prevented me from working on part three while thie was being proofed but also kept me from posting this until today. so, sorry for the delays.
Conversion Therapy
#20 of quickies if the subject matter of real life stuff upsets you, then you might not want to read this one.
A Most Dangerous Game (3/10)
"i thought you were all for this, we were told that you wanted to get into some real life stuff. that's what those who passed on the information to us said." "well yeah," alex replied.
Monster Rancher E.V.O ( Erotic Version Online): Tiger's reasons, Hare's motives - Part 01
It's been a while...been busy with real life stuff, though i have four stories now, this is the first one to be ready and it's a two parts story.what can i say, it's monster rancher time! what, you don't know monster rancher?
The Club's Reason
I've really been busy with school and i've been down in the dumps due to some real life stuff. i didn't have it in me to write during that time and i didn't want to force myself to do it and give out a story that'd suck for me.
Jack's Tail: Chapter-3 New Owners
#3 of jack's tail here is chapter 3, a little behind schedule due to real life stuff but here it is. if i missed anything please let me know and i will correct it. otherwise i have done the best i can do editing wise.
Urban Mystic
It's just so much more interesting than all this boring... practical, real-life stuff." "even hobbyists need a break every once in a while." "i'd hardly call this a hobby, considering we're protecting innocent people from demon attacks here.
Family Business VI
Interest in this series has drastically reduced as it has progressed, and that's a big reason--but i'd also like to focus on other projects, as well as real life stuff. if you think i should prioritize this series more, then show me why!
Carmine & Jet
Of course, things don't always go the way i plan, and i lost most of 2023 to real life stuff. i couldn't get this story out of my head, though, and as i poked away at it, i felt inspiration returning for other stories.