A Fun Time

I murr and turn my back to him gently placing my paws on a tree and silently casting a delayed reverse time spell on the planet and a protection spell on red. "a-and could you go on a rampage and stuff when you get big? b-but keep my house out of it!"

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 6.0

It can be used offensively to electrocute someone or defensively to reverse time for the target, healing them of all but the gravest of wounds." just for show, he focused the crackling bolts in both his paws into twin, golden blades of electricity.

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"The Wild King" epilogue pt. 1

It was the same as when i broke up with him, and as i sat there i wanted so desperately for their to be some magical way to just reverse time, to run back the clock to when i stood up from the exact couch i was sitting on and told him i was leaving him.

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Kitten Science

It had been difficult to set up with how little strength and dexterity he had, but zeelo had written in crayon 'reverse time machine.' "meoeooow?" "mew!" this had gotten calex's attention.

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[22] Kovux Entry #403 - Strange Bedfellows

I could never reverse time, though. it always had to stop or go forward. now that time was on my side, i slowly made my way over to where emily and her assailant were.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion - For the Answer

He could still reverse time and bring novallier back to life if he just could get to him in time. harm hurled himself through the curtain of butterflies but the little, silvery insects were surprisingly strong.

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Alcatraz Ch. XXIII-Thanatopsis

reversing time... at will. then again, she told me it could just as well have been visions of the future. time stopped, kept going for me, and then went back.

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Experimental Fun - Commission for gomanfury

Suddenly, they started to shrink, retracting into his arm like a reversed time lapse. "oh boy..." he said. his voice cracked on the second syllable. he put his paw to his throat. he could feel his trachea shrinking in his throat.

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Rock Bottom

It pulled back as if on some sort of reverse time lapse video. the hair plunged inward, spreading out his bald spot across his head.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 18

"if it was possible i would reverse time to prevent all those horrible things from happening. i'm really tired of seeing my soul bleed every time i'm reminded or think about the things i've done.

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Sibling Romance 2

Wishing he could reverse time, he considering putting on thirteen pairs of underwear before sticking with just the one, a jet-black set that he'd only bought a week ago. it was form-fitting and showed him off nicely.

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