Gatesbridge - Chapter 1

Oscar Mercer bolted awake right before alarm clock gave off its incessant beeping. The young arctic wolf took several calming, shuddering breaths as he buried his face into his paw. He swallowed, trying to push down the horrible lump in his throat....

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Fratenizing the Client

Union City North Station was practically bustling with activity. Hundreds of passengers from across the country arrived and departed the capital virtually every day of the week. The hustle and bustle of the train station was quite the sight for Caden...

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Mercurius Express — Prologue

The villa of Colonel Achilles Graves was in an unusual state of uproar. At least a dozen members of the Anatolian police were spread around the villa's front porch with their automobiles parked all over the snow covered yard. The officers, thickly...

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 1

Early Friday morning saw Cross and Vasilyev taking a morning run through the expansive terrace behind the colonel's villa, which overlooked the vast bay of which the city of Hieropolis was built upon. Thick grey clouds hung above the sky. However, the...

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 2

As the conductor was beginning to do his rounds, Cross decided that he could do with a bit of unpacking while he waited for the conductor. The same thought seemed to had crossed over the colonel's mind as the panther was already opening one of his...

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Avonture Cruises — Chapter 1. Welcome Aboard to Avonture Adventures!

**Author's Notes:** Been a long time since I wrote anything, but here we go! First attempt in a multi-chaptered fic featuring my own fursona. Yes, this is the first chapter of several more chapters to come. Bear in mind that I'm a slow updater...

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The Mercurius Express — Chapter 3

It would appear that Graves hadn't left his compartment since breakfast, according to conductor Dupont when Leon went to ask. After thanking the Malinois, the cougar went towards compartment number 7 and rapped on the door. "Who is it?" Came the...

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The Mercurius Express — Chapter 1

"I _really_cannot thank you enough for your help, Mr. Cross... I am forever in your debt." Leon Cross waved his mechanical paw dismissively at the black panther who was dressed up to the neck in stiff, military coat. "Really, it was nothing,...

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The Mercurius Express — Chapter 2

Leon did not immediately head to the saloon car as soon as he finished his latte. Instead, he went back to his compartment to seek a small moment of peace and quiet. The conversation heavy atmosphere for the past few hours was getting a bit too much...

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Avonture Cruises — Chapter 2. Splash Party

Loud, lively music that was playing outside reverberated against the glass wall panels as we stood emerged to the elevator lobby on Deck 13. 'It would seem the party has already started.' I mused while Dan eagerly lead me through the sliding glass...

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The Three Oni

Runic arcane ring portals don't usually appear on dark corners of deserted alleyways, and normally, people don't randomly appear from inside the ring. However, one oni did just that. The bluish-grey skinned oni stepped out from the churning vortex...

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