Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 24.

Chapter 24 today is the day where, tony and i help our son loboron to set up his new room, tony is in charge of the new clothing department, whilst loboron and i attend to the technical department in the secret room.

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Weed and Reika Chapter 2

They went to a secret room in gajou and reika still had the smile on her face. "i have somthing to tell you weed... it is very important........................................ i'm pregnant!!!" to be continued...............................

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My life with Skye: Chapter 5

She went into the secret room. "adam. i'm home!" no answer. "adam, are you in there?" still nothing. she opened the door. no adam. "adam, where are you?" she thought for a while. "maybe, he's in that room." she gulped. it was adam's old room.

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Diamond in the rough part 2

After a few minute of walking, they were able to find the end of the tunnel that lead to a secret room, which was filled of different kind of gems and diamond.


Onyx's Dimension

Four bed, three bath, pool, and many other secret rooms onyx did not show her. he led her back outside, letting out a high chuff that echoed through the trees.

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How Prey Becomes Predator (Male Human Vore Story)

He took his legs and grabbed his prey into the secret room. the owner locked the door and put his guest on the chair, which was screwed to the floor. he tied the customer's legs, hands and torso to the chair with a thick rope.

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Six Preds - Part 5 (Vore Story)

The cheetah screamed and flailed about as he felt his body sliding down and forward, nothing but an inky dark void in front of him...had he discovered a secret room or something!?

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Chapter 2: My life with Skye

Adam left the bed and went to skye's desk in the secret room for a phone. adam picked it up. rang the number for his mother and listened to the bleeps. he heard "i'm sorry. the person phone does not exist." what? "please call a real number."

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In the booth

The manager smiled and picked up jesse in his arms and carried him down to the cellar and in to a secret room that the minor remembered from the movie he had watched. this would be jesse's home the coming month.

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Prologue: Calling Cards

Besides the bedroom, there was a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and a secret room hidden behind the entry hall closet.

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Taz And Kyoshi's Life. The True Form of Taz. Chapter 4

Taz waited inside the small, secret room. he couldn't take it. he knew that kyoshi had lied, and that he was about to be taken away. kyoshi, the only thing taz cared about, was about to be taken away from him.

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Alpha Male Meets Tom Cruise: A Chillunz Storie

The window did shatter showing a secret room where l. ron hid all his money and kept millions entombed. but alpha was pissed, there was nothing to stop him, so through the next chamber he decided to pop in. l.

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