Spreading Transformation REDUX - Part 6 - Helping Hand

#6 of spreading transformation redux james and claire recover from their last session as things return to normal, they think they have this transformation thing licked, but their bodies have other ideas.

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We All Cheer for Ice Cream

The bus pulled onto a rundown city street, the asphalt broken and in need of repair. As the riders looked upon the arriving skyline, they sighed in relief knowing that they would be able to reach their destination after all. "I wonder what that road...

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Would you like ahh...m...milkshake? (Part 1)

#1 of spreading transformation - side stories this is a short side-story to the main spreading-tf series with sarah coming to grips a bit with the realities of trying to do her normal duties when she can turn into an oversexed were-rabbit at any moment.

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So You've Been Transmogrified: Milton

Milton watch with detached fascination his rhythmic motions become unchous as he focused more and more on the spreading transformative substance covering larson's body.

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Wild Hearts

Whether that instinct was a part of him or if it had been instilled by his spreading transformation was debatable, but the end result was the same. the human slowly slipped out of bed to approach his friend.

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Spreading TF - Part 9 - Growing Pains

#9 of spreading transformation redux its here! its finally finally finally here! the next chapter of spreading tf as sarah has some pleasurable and unexpected changes into..well you know...

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Spreading TF - Part 8 - Sarah

#8 of spreading transformation redux sarah follows her friend james out of class...i wonder what could happen? :) this is mostly a bridge for some events coming up, hope you enjoy! more to come!

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Chapter III: More than I can Bear

As the spreading transformation reached his lower body, he became aware of another growth that refocused the hunger that was gnawing at his belly. he paused for a second, bending forward past his massive pecs to his groin.

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Arcadia: Collected

The arcadian pulled his head away from the spreading transformation, holding out his arm as far as he could while still being attached to his body. savage began to doubt marv could take being a collector.

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