Tom and Joey (skunkette/skunk vore)

No, he would explore the rest of her digestive system bit by bit as her stomach acids consumed him.

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Anthropia: The Ancient Ones

This ancient one stood 4 stories tall, and had 16 tentacles sprouting from its back, which expanded into funnel shaped mouths that could swallow giant sized sized beast folk whole, dragging them into its extremly corossive stomach acids.

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POV vore - polar bear and you

No wait, that's stomach acid. your hide clothes are already softened. they will dissolve as you do. chances are no one will ever know what happened to you. planes crash all the time in alaska. many are never found.

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An Alien's Appetites

So he closed his eyes, and let the stomach acid take him. as he slowly drifted off the permanent sleep, the crow found himself . . . floating? perhaps he was good enough for heaven after all? but no, he still had his body--what was going on?

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Uncatchable: Espeon

Accidentally breathing in the stomach acid and water as the stomach shifted wildly, causing him to submerge in the fluids. scrambling to figure out which way was up as it continued to turn and shift.

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POV vore - you and an ottertaur

More clothes arrive, soaked with drool and then stomach acids. you kick the stomach wall as hard as you can. there's enough room for that, at least.

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Meet Catamount (vore, digestion, some scat)

Bathing in great quantities of stomach acid while tied up and unable to escape could do it, it turned out. savage, of course, already knew this, and he was not surprised when the struggle beneath his pelt weakened.

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Combat Vignette 3

It wasn't all bad; he might be able to sell the necklace or something, considering it didn't look like it had been too damaged by his stomach acids.

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Operation: Sunebutt

His limbs after a few minutes would become too soft and weak to move around a lot, making him slide down along the stomach walls and into the pooling stomach acid and goo he was melting into.

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 3

"maybe it was my stomach acid?" "nah," jenny replied. "i don't think parahuman stomach acids could do this." "and you got hit in the intestines, not the stomach," sam added. "hence the smell."

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Chaos and Sarah's Wedding DIRTY VERSION

Chaos was now barely entering the stomach and he see's the stomach acids. he looked around around her stomach but with one final, strong gulp chaos dropped right in sarah's stomach, already feeling her acid and he heard a snap too.

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Water Beats Ground

There was nothing she liked better than having a large, wriggling prey inside of her- except maybe feeling it melt down as her stomach acids worked at it, giving her a squishy, sloshy belly full of mush.

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