A Long Walk In The Rain

The pleasant, red sweater vest he wore would soak up the moisture easily, and his shirt would end up a mess, but worse still, down below a pair of nicely pressed khakis were a pair of clean, brown dress shoes, for the most part untouched by the wiles of mother

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Burb Dog TV Pilot: Three & A Half Dog Night

He is dressed in a button up shirt with a sweater vest over it and a pair of dress pants. jason (cont'd) oh, and that's sullivan, jd's half brother. he's in the band too. sully a little help here? all three go over to help him.

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Academy Life

vest, and finally a black coat that had the schools emblem on the back.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 9.5

"i'll find something in my--" "a nice sweater-vest," michelle reasoned. "we'll try that.

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GoM-Ep8-Introducing the Roomates

He wears a blue sweater vest with a tie with white pants and black dress shoes. he is very handsome with many girls swooning over him.

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To Learn a Lesson Part 6: A Little Payback

To make matters worse of the doberman, standing next to him were two other outcasts: a deer-boy without any head-hair dressed in stereotypical 'nerd wear' consisting of a sweater-vest and some black slacks; the ensemble completed with a

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Day One pt 2

Seeing her in her sweater vest. her modest skirt. they cute little pompom on her head. i wanted to make a move. i needed to make a move. but that would have to wait. she was far to reserved to indulge me. i would need to make her fall for me.

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Welcome to College part 1

He also wore a red shirt with a black thin sweater vest on. he was the only person i knew that looked sexy with sweater vest and glasses. he had two piercing on his right ear and one on the left.

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Out of Order

He was dressed in a pristine white dress shirt, freshly pressed, without a tie, open at the neck, with a purple sweater vest over it, and loose khakis covering his long, thin legs.

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Dog Training: Believably Broken

It was him, the man from before, with sweater-vest, khakis, and well-shined shoes. she tried to make her eyes wide and desperate as she looked up at him from the floor.

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Day Three

Now that she isn't wearing a sweater vest you can actually see she has some decent sized tits. her nighty is very tasteful, yet very sultry. there was a gossamer threaded sheer outer covering her body.

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