The Warshade Awakes (Based on the MMORPG City of Heroes)

The act of reverting to true form requires no thought just a simple twitch...

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World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt3

"then you're not afraid of my true form?" 'i don't see why you're worried about it. what's your name?'

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Soul guardians latias x ash

Latias with a surprised head say 'ash is our brother and us can bring back its true form?!?' latios smiled and say 'yeah but we need to tal about this' and latias say 'but how he is not in is true form! how to talk about this?'

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My Wildest Fantasy (Part 2): Moving Day

But to my surprise, she let me stay and the crowd loved my on-stage performance in my true form.

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Cross between two worlds chapter 2 WIP

Zandatci in her true form was a sword that resembled the grim reapers scythe, at the top of the blade it curves back down into itself.

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The Look of Death

"you have already met the beast, but that is not his true form." the voice said in a warning tone. "when he is in his true form, you will be free to fight him. but be warned, he will not be so easily taken down.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 9~ Truth of Raven

Seth looked down at the floor as black flames engulfed his body, revealing his true form. a figure covered in pure white armor, half human and half creature. as the knight took off his helmet, his face was of a pure white wolf with eyes of silver.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 129-130

He was in his true form and on edge now that they had arrived in atmosphere. as nodrog had said, holding his true form on the ship greatly increased his ability and speed in which he detected the presence of magic.

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BlackBlood Ch1

I'm afraid to show my true form."she said."you have a different form?"otto asked."well...yes. i can shape shift into any disguises. and this is not my true form."jess replied."then please show us your true form."chiro asked.


Tricky Fox

"nope", she replied briefly before she revealed her true form to him, revealing that she was in fact a female zorua.

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