A Look in The Water
The apatosaurus closed his mind and drifted into deep thought. ignoring the hideous cawing and pecking of the cockatrice at his feet, he began to think about what shuva had just told him about a cockatrice. he knew that they could fly later on in life.
Deadly Like The Dark
Shuva let out a soft whimper, knowing the apatosaurus spoke the truth. well it wasn't all true anyway. she remembered she was an alimon. her whimper turned into a growl.
Grandpa longneck was out for a walk, and smiled at the sight of his son in law bron, as the younger apatosaurus came over and greeted him and hugged him before giving him a passionate kiss on the mouth.
Omnivorous - Part 2
He was somewhat small for an apatosaurus, but that didn't mean he wasn't handsome in his own way.
.** **match 3" apatosaurus vs anthro komodo dragon** **when the massive sauropod entered the arena, a audible gasp sounded as the dinosaur made his way over, while his opponent entered from the other side.
You're greeted in the mirror with a bib that looks like an apatosaurus is wrapping its neck around yours with its head being what holds the bib in place. papa then removes it and places it in the bag as well.
Lost Into the Past Chapter 10
"next stop, apatosaurus acres!" he announced. "time tunnel approaching! woaaaaaah!" he flopped onto his back and giggled, before quickly noticing mr. conductor. he immediately stood up and took the hat off. "u-umm, h-hi mr. conductor! i uhhh...
Omnivorous - Part 1
This is a work of fiction involving characters from The Land Before Time. The particular story takes place after movie V: The Mysterious Island, and ignores the movies after it for the purposes of this story. The characters have grown to...
Across The World 2 - Thieves of the Lake
The place was littered with the longnecked beasts, ranging from brachiosaurus to apatosaurus to diplodocus, all of them towering at a height of 60 feet and above, with enormous tails that could crush an entire pack of hunters.
Knocked up in the Jurassic
And yeah, i got some great footage of a herd of apatosaurus excelsus and a stegosaurus family, and some smaller critters."
Jurassic Racks
Perfect, the apatosaurus dna will surely make her larger, prepare sedatives in case the simulations for this one don't go as planned..." ivan closely paid attention to alina's change.
Knocked Up in the Jurassic, Chapter 2
The young apatosaurus had been fairly small and we didn't leave much other than a few well chewed bones and hide, had it been a larger kill we might have stuck around for awhile for seconds. dr.