The Human Species Ch. 66 - Immortal God Arceus
**"no,"** arceus replied, moving closer. "r... rid the world of disease?" ethan stammered, taking in the imposing figure before him. **"no,"** arceus repeated, moving closer still. "there's, uh... no one higher up i can talk to about this, no?"
The Red-Ringed Umbreon part 2
Guess What! I got halfway done with this story, then my laptop's battery explodes (I'm not kidding it looks like a bag of popcorn after it comes out of the microwave). So, after a couple of hasty decisions, I put it off. I borrowed my cousin's computer...
The Red-Ringed Umbreon Part 1
On the page }- - - - -{the red-ringed umbreon}- - - - -{ part 1: anger to anomaly arceus was looking over his world, everything was okay. he looks into the minds of his subjects: i tremor.
[p] Sinjoh Ruins
**we shall see.** and then the twisting, and the power, and-- and arceus was gone, leaving her alone in the ruins.
Legendary Chaos - Chapter 5: Shocking News
Her trouble was not unnoticed since arceus was beside her. arceus saw through the smile giratina gave her. "giratine you look, unwell. is there a problem?" arceus's concern snapped giratina. "what?
The Man With Deceit, All Lies....
**Let's resume the carnage, right?** **Enjoy!** **Roll The Film!** * * * _Chapter 16: The Man With Deceit, All Lies..._ **|Continue?|** **|Y or N?|** **...** **|Y.|** _Game-Starting Area-Kora-Progress: 0/12 Mementos..._ As soon as she...
Fate, Desteny or strange luck (Episode 7 of 8. The Final Test and the reward)
I better cure you first. " arceus said and let one of his boards sang down on zoran´s back. next the board began to glow light green and the light began to surround zoran. some seconds later, the light faded and zoran stood up. then arceus said. " so.
Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 2 of 8. Death but not lost forever)
arceus said and a second later zoran was standing in the lake facing arceus. " what the...." "tzzzz. not this word here." " sorry. why do you think i´m this worthy?" " why not?
Dragon's Heart Ch. 3
_sweet arceus, i'm in the presence of dialga?! then who's..._ // comet woke gently to the annoying beeps of the heart monitor.
A trainer's story [14]
The aura pokemon tried to cover his eyes and his instinct told him the dream, as well as arceus' existance, were fading away. "wait, arceus! don't go!" ... "arceus!" lucario woke up in the middle of the night.
Silver – The right Paw of the Devil – Chapter 4 - The Out coming
„arceus said and his boards around his body began to glow. he then looked up and said the following words while silvers and alissa´s bodies began to glow while a few of arceus boards hit their bodies. „dragon...
Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 7 of 8. The Final Test and the reward) Reforged
arceus answered. " let's see." zoran took all of his hate together and build up a big fireball in his mouth. then he set it free. the ball flew straight into arceus direction, but arceus didn't make a move.