She Made Her Move

Zuh. This story isn't all that great in my opinion, but then again, I'm not really the best judge of my stories, because I'm so self-critical. Heh. This is an incestual story between a mother and son. If you don't like it, you should probably go...

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After The Thunderstorm

This is finally one of those stories that doesn't have a ton of backstory behind it, but you still get the idea. Hopefully you guys will like it all the same. I'm sorry for the straight stuff happening in the beginning, but meh. :P * * * "Mmm,...

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Il Dumistoku Pirfiktu

The perfect pet. Just a fantasy I had and finally, after a few months or so, got it out of my head. Enjoy. * * * **1** Seriatim groaned, lazily turning over in his bed, the springs beneath his body groaning along with him, rejecting his body...

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PVN vs. GL

I think this turned out okay. It's very fantastical, but maybe some people will like that. Enjoy. * * * **1** Click. Click. Ay, this one works. Click, thwap, click-click. Check out the other one. Click. Click. Fix the chamber on this one....

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The Wag III: Acceptance

Hi! There's no rape in this story. :D From here on out, it's romance. Romance, romance, romance. This is how I wanted the story to turn out, so all that rape you read is only going to be referenced from here on out. Hope you like it. * * * ...

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The Wag II: December 7th

Apparently lots of people really fucking hated the rape scene at the end. While some parts of the ending did, in fact, suck, I'm going to warn everybody with sections that say "RAPE" and then "NO MORE RAPE" in them. So if you don't want to read out the...

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Rick II: The Cavern

Ugh. I have no idea how YiffStar's system of story-series works, so could someone please show me how? I'd like to throw this into a series thing for people who want to check out the series as a whole. Or something. I dunno. Anyhow, here's the second...

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The Wag

After roleplaying a storm up on Taps, I get a bunch of ideas for stories. I haven't written in a long time, but I've been getting ideas like wildfire now. One of my alts has a pet named "Kit," and he wanted me to write a story about him. So I did. He's...

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I apologize for the deus ex machina you'll see in this story, but most people came for the porn, heh. This is my first time submitting erotica in a long, long time, so I'm sorry if it sucks. This is one of my fantasies, and I'll probably...

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The Deal

The sidewalk no longer carried the dead line of furries Cody ran into the first day he met his magical master and employer. They weren't parting from him as he cut his way through their awkward, silently-determined flow. Instead, it was an ocean of...

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By the time the colt returned home, it was roughly 3:00PM. He was glowing. His day was quite eventful, that's for sure. He'd been mounted twice and painted with semen, and each time, he climaxed. Certainly better than the boys at school who would...

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Impromptu Interview

Looming above the young colt was one of many office buildings. Certainly, they were all dull, gray, somewhat droll in their similarities. Ah, but this one was different-- it had a tinge of blue to it. And a doorman. Cody's head craned to the sky,...

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