Journey for Espers - Chapter 3

Authors Note/Disclaimer: Welcome to chapter 3. I want to say, like always, I do not own anything related to Final Fantasy and write this story purely for fun. That being said, this story still doesn't have any yiff yet, but it does have some nudity and...

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Journey for Espers - Chapter 2

Authors Note/Disclaimer: Welcome to chapter two of this story. Same things go as before, I don't own Final Fantasy and make no money from it. This chapter has a little bit of violence in it, but still no yiff yet. I hope you enjoy it. Feedback is...

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Espresso--Fourth Installment

_Well, it took a little longer than I thought, but here's the fourth part of my romance. Yeah, at this point, you must surely doubt my choice in calling it a romance, but trust me on this. It's weird and silly, but that's just the way this...

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Chapter Five: Broken _ _ _She must be expecting someone..._ School was better today than it had been on Monday. He had actually talked to his friends today, which improved things considerably. Tori was really...

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Blood and Tears

Chapter Four: Blood and Tears _ _ He noticed some blood-stained clothes sitting in a hamper towards the foot of the bed, and it all hit him at once..._himself leaping up from the ground...his paw recoiling in pain from the force at which...

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Forced Entry

Chapter Three: Forced Entry _ _ "I've never felt so great after waking up." _Breakfast! _ Nic had never been excited about eating breakfast, but the smells wafting up to the bedroom were, to say the least, heavenly. ...

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The Sleepover

he told himself. "But maybe... I wonder if he'll have eaten yet?" He shivered with excitement. _Get a hold of yourself!_ he thought, and took a deep breath. _Get yourself worked up and he'll be suspicious, you idiot! _ Now...

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An Old Friend

That's another one down I guess," said the red fox who had just woken up. He stood in just his boxer shorts, and looked himself over in the mirror on his door. He was an ordinary red fox, with coppery-red fur, black paws and...

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_Okay. So. It's been forever since my last story, and school is officially back in session, sans me, the graduate. Yikes._ _Well, a new place in life and new perspectives has me switching fursona my chagrin. But, to start this off...

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Ramblings of a Twenty-Something Nothing

I hate the way hospitals smell. It's not that they just smell like death, or that there's always the reek of chemical cleaners, or that there's never a floor where someone hasn't crapped themselves recently. Hospitals smell like traces of lost hope and...

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Bumblings of a Twenty-Something Nothing

I relish the fuzzy feeling of sleep as it slides from my consciousness the next morning. There is a great show of yawning and stretching before I drag myself from the bed toward the bathroom. I stop to check, perhaps even admire my nude form in the...

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