The Gladiator: An Amery and Lysander Story

I arrived nearly naked, and bound in chains. Not that this surprised me. I am a slave, after all, taken from my homeland by the Empire six years ago. I'd tried to escape that lecherous bastard I had to call my Master one too many times, and he got fed...

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A Touch of Magic: An Adlier and Geppard Story

Geppard awoke from his nap to the feeling of intense vibrations shaking the entire cavern. He shot up in bed, heart pounding, but as suddenly as they'd begun, they abruptly faded. He looked around, but couldn't see Adlier anywhere. The wolf called out...

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A First for Everything: An Axel and Isaac Story

Axel groaned. He really hadn't had too much to do the first week of classes, but he'd been assigned his first essay of the year on Friday. The puma hated writing... the work itself wasn't bad, but he'd been assigned a topic and had to research it. Not...

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Finally Sunday: A Nate and David Story

The lovers slept deeply, Nate secure in David's warm embrace, heedless of the passage of time. They'd said their first "I love you"'s mere hours before; It was entirely unexpected, but somehow also felt like the most natural thing in the world. When...

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Senior Year: An Axel and Isaac Story

_BRRRRRING!!!_ Ah, yes, the first bell of the first day of his final year of high school. Isaac hefted his heavy backpack over his shoulders, heading to his locker before going to homeroom. The slender fox was shorter than most of his peers, but his...

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The Lake: A Nate and David Story

Sleep came easily to Nate and David that Friday night. Nate held onto his warm otter all through the evening, reveling in the closeness that they shared, occasionally nuzzling the back of David's neck with his nose, warm breath blowing through his fur....

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The Dragon and the Wolf

The wolf slowly came to his senses, his head throbbing. The last thing he remembered, he'd been writing a manuscript at his writing desk, when that visitor came to his room... Then it all went dark. What in the world had happened? His blurry vision...

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Perspective: A Nate and David Story

Several days had passed since Nate and David shared breakfast together. Nate couldn't remember the last time he'd been so happy. The otter had been texting him constantly, ever since dropping him off that afternoon. Sometimes it would be to check on...

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First Date: A Nate and David Story

Nate spent the night with David, warm and safe, wrapped in his arms. Occasionally they would awaken, David pulling Nate close and kissing the back of his neck and his shoulders. Nate, for his part, put his paws over David's arms, rubbing up and down...

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One Eventful Evening: A Nate and David Story

Nate stood in the bathroom in front of a large mirror. The freshly blow-dried fur that covered his slightly pudgy frame was all poofy, and he had to get it tamed before they went out. "Hurry up in there! I still need to do my makeup!" Bets called out...

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Harder Choices: An Axel and Isaac Story

Axel trudged through a thick Saturday morning fog. He'd been walking for almost half an hour, heading to a local park. At last, the entrance to the manicured gardens came into view, and right there, standing on the sidewalk, was... "Isaac!" Axel ran...

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