Rise of Dragons - Part 3

**Rise of Dragons - Part 3** It was dark on the Titan colony when the local government and council of scientists sent out a message to the other worlds within their solar system, and those outside the system as well. Sure it would be quite some time...

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Rise of Dragons - Part 2

**Rise of Dragons - Part 2** As it had been many times in the past, it was once again "morning" on the Titan colony. The light level hadn't changed much while everyone was sleeping, and it likely wouldn't for a few days yet. But such was how things...

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Rise of Dragons

**Rise of Dragons** This is a story about a man named Geoffrey. Age 32, owner of a small corner store, and resident of the Titan colony. Like most of his kind, he was tall and slender, thanks to the low surface gravity. He wore the same heavy...

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**Delos** We live in a universe filled with countless galaxies, near endless solar systems, and number of planets that are hard to fathom. Hundreds of thousands have been observed via orbital facilities around the Earth, and surface installations...

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Under the Bed

**Under The Bed** Daylight. Even that managed to worm its way through cracks in the overhead canopy of tangled vines and thick leaves, giving rise to growing levels of steamy fog and the morning calls of hidden wildlife. It was another day in another...

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Squeak Show

"Lights! Camera! Action!" The collected voices of the studio audience whooped out their joy and cheered as the house lights came on, revealing a large circular stage in the centre of stadium seating. Over ten thousand individuals were on their feet,...

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Distended Reality

**Distended Reality** Creaking and squeaking filled the mid-day air, as the local community of giants partook in one of their many daily activities. The shine of light on over-stretched hides could be seen reflecting for kilometres, as megamacro...

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**Buck.** Putting up mega structures was a bit like working with toy blocks. Provided you were 60 or so metres tall anyways, and were handy with a plasma welder. Fortunately there were such individuals in the world, and they were all to happy to...

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Self Improvement 2

**Self Improvement 2: New-U** What started off as an isolated incident became several case studies within a matter of weeks. Half a dozen curiously human but strangely animal beings had emerged in the developed world, and it all traced back to the...

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Self Improvement

**Self Improvement** It started off as an innocent enough thing. Buy some supplements from the fitness shop, to help with his self image. The trouble is it worked, just perhaps not entirely as intended. The instructions on the bottle of pills were...

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Rise of Dragons - Part 5

**Rise of Dragons - Part 5** Day. Night. Day... The weeks long cycle of light and dark on Titan continued, and with each spin around their ringed parent planet, the Titan colony found itself a little different than it was the cycle before. Thousands...

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Rise of Dragons - Part 4

**Rise of Dragons - Part 4** Daybreak on Titan came once again for the colonists, but this time around it was obvious to all that a very different world had come to greet them with the dawn. Before the sun had last set, they had a balloon dragon in...

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