Quick Bite: Salty Sweet Treats
**Salty Sweet Treats** "Haaah, okay, that's enough for today, you two!", the deep, jovial sounding voice of the large Bulf filled the small home gym, if perhaps not as thoroughly as the scent of sweaty - and in two cases quite literally horny - young...
Ghostbusted - This Stream’s Gonna End in Mayhem
**Ghostbusted** **-** **This Stream's Gonna End in Mayhem** **Stream will be Starting in 0:43:13** **Dickwolf69: Hey guys, do you think we'll see another dud? Jaguarboy666: Ah, come on, it is totally worth it for those pecs...
The Hunt - RP with Nipatie
**The Hunt** Hey, my name's Evan. I'm that guy bouncing back and forth on his feet as his dinner runs off through the canopy. That firm ass and muscled body taunting me. Right now, I'm waiting for that timer to count down to zero, so me and my fellow...
The Snake and the Horny Wolf Boys
**The Snake and the Horny Wolf Boys** "Hnnh, damn Varjo, spread your legs already, my cock's gonna burst!", Veri moaned into his brother's ear, their muscular bodies pressed together as they were writhing on the rumpled, sweaty blankets. The whole...
The Hiring
**The Hiring** The evening sun was casting long shadows over the swamp, making the murky pools lining the wooden walkway glitter with reddish gold and cause sweat dampened fur and hide to glisten in a warm glow. Two of the three travelers had...
Quick Bite: Vore for Dummies
**Vore for Dummies** "Umh, ex, excuse me, would you, would you perhaps be willing to help me with this...?" The blue dragon turned around, slowly, his tail slapping the ground, lowering his head slightly to look at the lizard looking up at him. He...
Quick Bite: My Last Night at The Pit
**My Last Night at The Pit** The loud boom of the bass coming from inside was already starting to vibrate through my body as I stood there, looking up at the neon sign, nervousness and thrumming anticipation coursing through my body. "The Pit", the...
A Sinister Deal
**A Sinister Deal** Randall made a nervous gulp, his rather pronounced Adam's apple bobbing up and down and providing quite a juicy target. A target, that was, for the wickedly sharp arrow tips pointed at him. It was with a weird, dreamy kind of...
The Minotaur and the Snake Prince
The minotaur inhaled the slightly humid air the wind was carrying towards him together with the burbling sound of the spring. His tail flicked and he reflexively turned his head from one side to the other. There was a bad odor clinging to it, as if...
The Lesson
Sunlight was flickering over the surface of the pool, stretching wide and deep blue in the garden. Verdant plants shielded it from outside view and there was a slight salty tang to the air rather than the scent of chlorine. It actually looked more like...
Brother Time
"Hmfh, big bro, wai.." my muffled protest was cut short as I was slammed down, my mouth shut with a rather fierce, demanding kiss, still tasting of the dinner I had cooked earlier. I made a whimper of protest but it was cut short as my legs were parted...
My Last Birthday
**My Last Birthday** "You really are worthless!" The words of the teacher resonated within as my bare soles tapped on the pavement. It was not like I had not heard that before, whether from Mr Grant, the maths teacher, or from others, like my...