Mama Wolf

Diana's eyes suddenly shot open. She sat up in bed, quickly turning her head to glance at her bedside clock. 11:30. It had been half an hour since she had turned in for the night, and yet she still couldn't get to sleep. It was really unusual, too;...

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The Ring of Happiness

Marianne sighed, walking into her college dorm room and closing the door behind her. This was it. The one thing her entire semester had been leading up to... at least, that's what it felt like. She sat down at her desk, pulling out everything she had...

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A Shark of Land and Sea

"...Are you serious?" said Martin, looking over his latest assignment. "THIS is what you're giving me?" "Hey, I don't choose the assignments, okay?" said the voice on the other end of the phone. "I got the image, I was told I would be paid, and now...

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Tomb of the Jungle Queen

"So... Dr. Lars, is it? The famous archeologist I've been hearing about?" "Yes, that's correct." The gray-haired archaeologist held his hand out to the younger woman, his eyes gleaming behind his spectacles. "And you're... Josephine, right?" ...

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Breaking Away

I wanted to be done with everything. That's what I thought as I sat at the dinner table with my family. I watched them all eat, laughing and enjoying their meal. I watched my mother pass a bowl of potatoes to my father, who in turn passed it to my...

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A Different Kind of Werewolf

"Hey... are you okay?" "W-what?" Startled, my younger brother opened his eyes, sitting up in his bed. As soon as he saw me, his startled expression disappeared, replaced by an expression of complete disinterest. "Oh... it's you." "Yeah, it's...

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The Stone

Rain. That was all that he felt. The man opened the door to his house, taking off his soaked raincoat as he walked inside. As he hung the raincoat up, he looked back outside at the storm. The rain poured down all around his house, and the thunder...

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Lily's Start

My eyes scanned the mall's art supplies store, searching for something to help my drawing. I was an artist, and I had asked my mom to take me to the mall so that I could buy something that would possibly give me that inspirational boost that I needed....

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Rociel's Transfer

The forest was quiet. Hardly a sound could be heard, other than the subtle sounds of nature: water flowing through a stream, birds chirping, insects buzzing around, and so on. The quietness of the forest gave it a very tranquil atmosphere, even when...

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A Fox's Blessing

"Hey, Jin! Are you excited?" "Huh?" Jin turned his head from the school front to see his girlfriend, Shiori, standing behind him. "Excited? What do you mean?" Shiori laughed. "What do you think I mean?" she asked. "The end of the term,...

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Striving for Attention

It was the beginning of another evening at home, and Dave was resting beside his owner's lap. The small Papillon dog had been looking forward to seeing his human all day, and he was happy that they were finally together again. Dave always loved it...

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Project FUR

Shaking her head, Fran walked out of the audition room, feeling dejected. She'd spent days... no, WEEKS training herself for this audition, and she was sure she'd had it in the bag. She'd gone over the lines in her head about a million times since...

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