a tail of magic and mystery chapter 2

Chapter two I have successfully taken out the leadership of the terrorist group in the region and left them with a power vacuum. I am sent home and placed in secured housing in a secret location. I am allowed to go nowhere...

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter 1

A tail of magic and mystery By twobunny My name is Alex Brown. I live in a small town called Boone. I am about five foot four inches tall and weigh about a hundred and eighty pounds. I live in a one bedroom apartment in town...

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter fifteen

Chapter fifteen After the Cuba incident, I am told by the United Nations to report what I am going to do to the Embassy of the country I am going to enter. I get a visit from the congressman from Hawaii as a friendly...

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter fourteen

Chapter fourteen We land and drive to the back of the store and show Janice the store, introduce her to the kids, Especially Michael. Then we determine when her next ovulation is. It is in three days. Then we ask the important...


A tail of magic and mystery chapter thirteen

Chapter thirteen I get asked several times over the years to show off my home to the television public. I have said no but Alice gets me to say yes. So I am giving a tour of the house. The helicopter lands at the helipad and...


a tail of magic and mystery chapter twelve

Chapter twelve Life is good, Alice and Angela go into town and get checkups and I test Angela for magic. She has little power but her power will grow as she does. At three months she is picking up small plush animals and manipulating them in...


a tail of magic and mystery chapter eleven

Chapter eleven I cast a spell in Europe and North America on the racial thing. A simple thing about behavior modification. If a person thinks hateful thoughts on race or religion, then they get a shock, every one of their pain nerves fire at...

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter ten

Chapter ten Two weeks after the virus outbreak, the death toll is in. 50,000 deaths mostly in countries that don't have good healthcare. The virus still spreads but it but it doesn't do much of anything. Mopsy is not happy...

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter nine

Chapter Nine Life returns to somewhat normal. With one exception, Jessica keeps trying to get into my pants. I finally give in on her sixth birthday. I never force her to have sex with me but she comes back for more. Alice is...

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter eight

Chapter eight When I get everyone settled, I begin to hear arguments from Alice and Michael. "No!" "WHY NOT!" "BECAUSE!" I come in and stop this argument "Children, stop fighting....

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter seven

Chapter seven After the invasion of North Korea, The United Nations really give the South Koreans hell and want to know what happened during the invasion of the north. They crack and give my name and point to the American ambassador. From...

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