Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Two
Character specie guide: raiki kizu - luxray jason alexander - lucario guren kagayaku - gardevoir professor nobunaga - houndoom counter woman - clefable random civilian - bibarel multiple train carts flashed before amber eyes, wind blowing the male's onyx
New Journey Chapter 19: Rescue
A bibarel materialized. "human?" he asked, looking around. "where human?" "they're gone." seth said. "where did you come from?" "i captured in woods. in home." "so he's wild... that's not good." sky said.
Seven Years Later Chapter 5
Either bibarel wakes us up or the water wakes us up." shaking the water off his fur, growlithe sighed. " that rule sucks because you never oversleep and i always end up getting blasted." finally dry and calm enough, growlithe looked around the room.
Fatal Encounter
First, there were a few common ones- bibarels, swellows, etc. lucario beat them with ease, and then moved on. he was looking through the grass one more time when it happened.
Lady Karma's Story
Only maverick, a hot tempered old bibarel who was the director of facilities was returning her gaze. if her gleaming gold fangs and feral display was intimidating him in the slightest he was doing an impressive job of hiding it.
My Lusty Lopunny
The older pokemon, like the wild bibarel who seemed to be a parent of the other pokemon, always disciplined the younger pocket monsters, but this never really helped much.
Happy Amphy Christmas
Jack came out from the hide and caught bibarel, plusle and patrat and devours them smoothly. linoone fled with abbey and lizer while dirakia separated from them along with umbreon trying to find a refuge.
I Wanna Be The Best
It was made of the reinforced flesh, so it felt outwardly stiff and extremely thick- somewhat like the tail of a beaver... er, i mean a bibarel.
TFA!-The Second Round: Explore Outside Your Comfort Zone
Don't think a song about a bibarel who likes getting her ass eaten by feraligatr is supposed to inspire you to do much."
The Aquatic Vore Ritual
He had a bibarel very greedy. "they're monsters! how dare you order me to banish my daughter!" shouted dave furious. suddenly the golduck has a premonition and talks with his elder and fiona.
A soft place in the Heartwood
With bidoof, bibarel, buneary and lopunny; the local fauna; running away scared, the scout had decided to abandon the heartwood alongside them. a bounty was soon posted for any member brave enough to go find out what was going on in the area.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 16
bibarel. are those common? yes? okay, that's a relief. thought another ranger would be out here." they'd sigh. "that lot is trouble... **_good thing we don't cause ecological disasters."_** they continued to talk aimlessly into the radio.