A soft place in the Heartwood

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I might've gotten inspired by another certain picture I was shown.

Do you guys remember "Pecha Moons at Cottonsedge", the story about extremely horny Petilil shortstacks mobbing a hapless guy? Well, I decided to do something on the other side of the spectrum. An utterly giant Pokégirl getting huge and horny for our poor little protagonist. How is he going to get out of this one this time...?

Read and find out.

Shout out to MaboCorescant for this wonderful picture I was shown on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/MaboCorescant/status/1695461111045276077/photo/1 which inspired this piece.

Warning: This story contains growth, macro, breast and ass expansion, lactation and huge size difference between a horny bunny and a hapless guy.

Disclaimer: Pokémon and its characters belong to The Pokémon Company.

A soft place in the Heartwood, by DragonMasterX.

Sunlight shone brightly in the Obsidian Fieldlands. The final vestiges of wintertime had left mornings with a temperate climate many of the usual frolicking Pokémon decided to sleep through. The Heartwood in the south eastern part of the land was unusually quiet, as a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team noted.

"It's still chilly out, but Bug-types aren't that affected by the cold, are they?" Rakki thought to himself as he crossed over the Tidewater Dam and into the forest. With it being the start of Spring he had been expecting a bunch of Combees to already be hard at work pollinating. However, he couldn't hear a peep from one Wurmple or its evolutions. "Something really is going on here, isn't it...?"

It had been weeks since the newest and youngest team member had bravely taken it upon themselves to tame Lord Kleavor, returning peace to the Heartwood and the rest of the field lands. Surveying the fields had become a much easier job for members like Rakki who still refused to use the new Pokéball gadget to catch and partner up with the wild monsters.

However, not long ago a report from a frightened scout came to Jubilife Town. After another bright light shone from the mysterious floating anomaly in the heavens, the ground around the Heartwood had shaken. Following a loud noise like a crash coming from the narrow stretch of coast west of the Heartwood, the scout reported strange sounds coming from the very end of it. With Bidoof, Bibarel, Buneary and Lopunny; the local fauna; running away scared, the scout had decided to abandon the Heartwood alongside them. A bounty was soon posted for any member brave enough to go find out what was going on in the area.

As a scout from the expedition in charge of exploring and documenting the Hisui region, Rakki was also ordered to investigate strange phenomena around the land. After the new kid, a foreigner, had humiliated so many of the older members of the expedition team with their prowess, Rakki didn't hesitate to take the bounty request before that child could show up and take it, and all of its glory, for themselves.

"First time in this part of the field lands. It's still ways along the coast..." Rakki mused to himself, double checking his map. While standing at the crossing forking into the inner heartwood and the narrow stretch, he could see Ramanas Island in the distance.

The river bed's waters were placid, "No Water-types around, either." He glanced back at the forest behind him, uneasily rubbing his arm, "What's got them all so scared, I wonder?" Rakki focused on his map again, tapping the circled spot where the coast tapered. "This is where the cadet said he heard those tremors and weird noises. Guess Pokémon ears are much better; I can't hear anything."

Unnerved by the tension of the unknown, Rakki decided to breathe in deeply. He put his map away and doubled tapped his hip-gear to confirm the presence of his tools in case he needed to distract a wild, aggressive Pokémon for a quick getaway. He had recently learned to craft smoke bombs and he was still working on his throwing arm.

The other, ever-present tool in his repertoire was a notebook and pencil: Professor Laventon's Pokédex; all expedition team members were encouraged to record their Pokémon related findings in there. "I'll make a quick sketch of whatever is causing this commotion and get out. That'll help..." Rakki said, his resolve and pride as a Galaxy Expedition Team member steeled once more. Running inventory always seemed to calm him down.

Pressing on into the coastal woods, Rakki carefully waddled through bushes and large berry trees. Mostly clear skies became obscured by leafage from the looming trees. "Ack." He stopped with a grunt, a moment of distraction from light filtering through the leaves above.

Even with his thick bangs covering his eyes, he brought his forearm to shield himself from the offending sunlight. "Oof!" Rakki stumbled forwards, barely catching himself against an enormous, sturdy trunk. "Trees get so big around here..." he remarked while pushing himself away and turning to look at what he had tripped over. His eyes blinked rapidly in disbelief as he reached down to pick up a Pecha berry, only he needed both hands to pull it up, cradling it into his arms like a basketball.

"Whoa..." Rakki gasped at the hefty fruit, "This Pecha is... immense! I can barely hold it up my arms. Wait, are Pecha trees even native to this..." his voice trailed as his neck craned back to look up at the alleged Pecha tree, "...place...?"

Indeed, what hung several feet above Rakki was Pecha-shaped, but it was no berry. Chocolate in color and of unsurpassed roundness, squishy spheres loomed over the young scout like twin moons. Aghast with shock, Rakki turned around to confirm that the long and thick trunk he had bumped into was not a tree, but one of two extremely long leg belonging to an extremely large Pokémon.

Rakki's sun-stung eyes had made him completely miss the creamy fur coating the giant legs from feet up to the knees, let alone the fact there were two of them. But now he could appreciate those massive limbs and their huge owner. Beyond the creamy knees, chocolate furred thighs flared out into wonderfully thick and muscular, powerful-looking hamstrings that culminated in that gigantic bubble crowned by a cute stubby tail. Rakki couldn't see the front of the creature, but it soon solved that problem for him as it began to turn around.

A creaking noise reverberated in the heartwood coast as the giant shifted on their feet. Leaves quickly began to fall and scatter as the treetops were shoved aside by a pair of massive yet dainty-looking hands. The same creamy fur coating the Pokémon's forelegs seemed to adorn its wrists with puffy, cottony-looking cuffs. Pulled aside like the curtains of a window, the canopies moved to reveal the rest of the giant's body. And her exposed genitals.

A smooth chocolate vulva loomed over Rakki, causing him to seize up immediately at how that sex not only looked enormous from his perspective but it was also several heads above him. A tight, sinuous waist allowed his stunned eyes to roam up the Pokémon's flat tummy, understandably taking a pause at the wobbling pair on the giantess' chest. If the slit at her nethers had not convinced Rakki, those plump breasts with thick, crowning pink nipples made sure he acknowledged his find as a female monster.

To contrast the sheer size and curvature of the beast, a slender neck culminated in a round, cute face with lapine features. An adorable little nose sat at the tip of her short snout, with long tufts of that creamy fur creating tall eyebrows above her big black eyes with red irises. With the canopy getting further shoved to the side, Rakki saw the Pokémon's defining features drape over her shoulders: Mixed-color, fluffy ears lopping down all the way down to ankle level.

"It's... a Lopunny!" Rakki gasped inwardly, tensing up so much his arms squeezed that huge Pecha berry. His half-paralyzed legs barely allowed him a few quiet steps backwards as he tried looking away from the bunny's immense assets to get another look at her bright red eyes. "A-and an Alpha at that... buh-but Lopunnies don't get this big! She's like twice my size, maybe more...!"

"Punpun?" the curious Lopunny bent over, exploiting incredible flexibility and lumbar strength as she completely forwent bending her knees. Her immense breasts swinging over Rakki made the scout fall over on his back, narrowly avoiding getting smacked by the squishy things. Closer and closer, with her eyes trained directly on Rakki, the 13ft. tall Lopunny's face drew closer. Her nose looked to be twitching.

"Damn, my legs are like stone! I can't move...!" Rakki was trembling in fear, wishing he had just dropped the berry in his hands and was several miles away by now; no wonder all the other Pokémon had fled from this fluffy juggernaut. Lopunny was a species known for its devastating kicks, and one at this size would be able to uproot trees without a problem! Rakki didn't want to imagine what one of those could do to a puny human being like he. "Ahh...! Please don't eat me!" was all the terrified guy could say, holding his arms out while clenching his eyes shut.

Flinching in surprise at first, the top of the Lopunny's ears twitched curiously. With a beaming smile, she swiped her right hand over Rakki, taking the huge fruit off his hands.

"Wuh- huh...?" Rakki could only stammer, eyes gradually opening behind his bangs. He felt unburdened all of a sudden, and with his newly freed arms he quickly patted himself down to confirm that he was indeed still whole and not inside the giantess' stomach. When he finally glanced up, Rakki saw Lopunny happily chomping down the peachy fruit in her grasp. "Suh-so you just wanted fruit...?" he nervously laughed to himself. Although his legs were still heavy and he could still feel himself shaking a little.

"Mmmm!" Lopunny clucked, pressing her palm over her cheek in delight as she ravenously munched down on that watery, sweet berry flesh.

The scout observed in great detail as the Alpha ate from the Pecha berry as if it was her last meal. "She really seems to like it...!" he remarked, his heartbeat starting to stabilize as in some way watching the oversized bunny eating and making those adorable noises was working to calm him down. As frighteningly large as she was, it was still an unprovoked Lopunny whose only concern seemed to be eating fruit. Rakki took that opportunity to switch his goal back to observation.

"Muh-maybe I exaggerated. Pokémon are scary and violent, but Lopunnies..." he quickly reached back for his Pokédex, quickly flipping through his notes so he could freshen up key-notes about the Buneary and Lopunny families. "While powerful and capable of taking down predators, they don't seem to favor meat, much less people..." he thought, glancing over at the column detailing main differences between average and Alpha forms. "This max height entry is definitely outdated thugh... She's no less than twelve... thirteen foot tall! I knew I shouldn't have copied from my friend..." he said, getting his pencil fix the data entry.

At her immense size it took Lopunny very little time to wolf the whole berry down. She seemed so happy she stood back up to her full height, hopping in place and making the area shake.

"Wuh-whoa...!" Rakki clutched his notes and dug his feet down, feeling the grass under him vibrate from the impact of the giant bunny hops. "Duh-definitely updating the weight entry too but..." he stopped, realizing he'd need to run calculations he certainly wasn't good enough to attempt. "I'll settle for updating the height aaaand..." he trailed off again, perking up at another loud clucking coming from the overjoyed giantess.

Shuddering enough to cause her huge curves to go a-wobble, Lopunny closed her eyes and began to purr as her already massive body started inching upwards with size. Toes dragging on the grass, the ground sank just a little more under her enlarging feet which were expanding with the rest of her. Rakki stared in disbelief as before he could finish making the 3 next to the 1 he started crossing over his notes.

"I can't believe it. She grew even bigger..." Rakki was left agape with surprise. Part of him tried to reason with the mystery surrounding these clearly magical creatures; they all seemed to share the power to shrink down to be held inside of those Pokéball devices the Team was starting to use in their mission; why not grow larger? "But this isn't like evolution, this has to be something else... can all Alpha Lopunny do this?" he asked himself, but all the questions popping in his mind took a backseat when a huge hand came down for him. "GAH! Wait!"

"Puuuun!" Lopunny sang happily as she easily scooped Rakki off the ground as if he were a doll. Before he could further protest, he felt himself sink into the ultimate softness. Her arms pressing him in from the back and her enormous rack providing entry into her bosom, Rakki was wedged into the giantess' cleavage. "Punpun! Puuuun!" she happily clucked again.

It was still a chilly morning, so Rakki immediately felt the shift in temperature when all that fluff and warm breast flesh engulfed him. The titaness seemed to have been active the whole time because he felt his grip slip against her skin at times, a soft scent indicating her breasts were covered in her own sweat. But Rakki couldn't stop to admire these details when no matter how squishy his accommodations were, the pressure of Lopunny's hugging arms and of so much weight around all of him was crushing his comparatively tiny body.

"Cuh-can't breathe... suffocating...!" Rakki gasped for air, but his nose kept getting bombarded by the sweet scent of Pecha juice combined with the Lopunny's workout sweat. Eventually, his desperate struggling paid off and he saw the light again with just his head making an exit. Although his wet bangs were clinging to his forehead, they didn't keep him from meeting those big bunny eyes looming over him. Black sclera, crimson irises and black again at the pupils.

This wasn't Rakki's first time seeing a Lopunny or an Alpha Pokémon. Characterized by their glowing red eyes, increased size and fighting prowess, Alphas were usually big trouble when invading their turf. But this Lopunny, on top of being the largest one Rakki had ever seen, seemed to be looking at him with an unprecedented amount of fondness. It was making the young scout uncomfortable. He had to get away.

Still panting from his breathless submersion into the marshmallow sea, Rakki now found himself pressed-in from all sides except above and directly below. His feet and lower legs were barely sticking out from the underside of Lopunny's underboob. His head being out meant he could normally breathe again but his pinned arms made it impossible for him free himself just yet. "Yuh-you uh..." he stammered, looking at the cute monster's eyes.

"Lopunny!" the buxom Pokémon said, and in turning around she also brought Rakki along. When her breasts settled, the snugly captured Rakki became shocked once more. Lopunny's towering and thick form had blocked view of it earlier, but looming taller than even she was a truly colossal tree. Considerably taller than its surrounding brethren, the pine stretched over the other canopies with its own being nine, maybe ten feet above the mini-giantess.

"Trees that big aren't common here..." Rakki thought, soon seeing one of Lopunny's toned arms reaching up along the trunk of the pine. "Huh, what are you doing...?" the young man asked his captor as she bashed the towering trunk for no effect. "Hey! Are you going to bring this freakishly big tree down?"

"Punpun... Puuuuun!" Lopunny took a few steps backwards, charging the tree with her shoulder. The impact made the coast side rumble and the river stir. And without her arms holding Rakki still in her cleavage, he got knocked loose.

"Bwah...!" Rakki cried as he lurched forwards with the bouncing boobs, but his arms slipped out just in time for him to grab on so he wouldn't be launched like a pebble off a slingshot. "Yuh-you crazy Lopunny! What are you doing, you... ow!" his anger was soon abated by a blow to the head when something fell on him. Rakki could barely react when he saw a familiar companion at the bunny's cleavage.

"It's one of those huge berries!" Rakki exclaimed, taking the huge Pecha in his arms "An oddly sized tree in an odd location producing oddly sized Pecha berries... Ah!" he paused, flinching to a splash of drool striking the berry from above. Again he felt a foreboding sensation but this time the boy had a plan. "Tuh-take it, take it, all yours!" he said to the hungry-looking giantess, lifting the huge fruit up for her.

Lopunny was simply ecstatic. At her size, the giant Pechas were just over a handful, so in pulling the berry up she also managed to fish Rakki out of her cleavage while he stubbornly clung to the fruit.

"It worked!" Rakki celebrated in his mind, feeling his whole body finally escaping its squishy prison. "Uh oh." He nervously smiled at the confused Lopunny who had gone from beaming to tilting her head while cocking an eyebrow. She didn't know what Rakki was doing, but since he was still clinging to her food she began to shake him to make him let go.

"Lop. Lopunny!"

"Wait no no no! Ahh!" Rakki yelled as his grip slipped. He began to fall, but his descent was cushioned by Lopunny's right boob which still made him bounce off. In trying desperately not to fall down too fast, his hands desperately gripped at the rabbit's waist, missing only by an inch but quickly making up by clutching her amply generous hips. The grip was sufficient to allow him to tug his feet in, allowing him to slide down Lopunny's right statuesque leg as if Rakki had been a Meowth dragging down a scratching pole.

Giggling came from above as Rakki finally hit the ground with his feet. With his heart still racing and the muscles in his arms pulsing, the scout managed to back up a little just so he could peer up at the jubilant Alpha laughing at him like some sort of playmate. "It's all just a game to you, isn't it...?" Rakki panted. "As long as you get your fruit..."

"Puuuun!" she sang out, taking a generous bite of the Pecha, rapidly devouring it. In a weird way, the contrast between unimaginably big and powerful, and adorable antics still managed to make Rakki smile.

"I-I guess this is quite the find... Still, you're too big and strong to be left alone here. What should I do...?" Rakki asked himself. Although he was part of the group that still didn't trust Pokémon enough to try to tame them, he was still required to bring a number of Pokéballs with him. Could a Pokémon this big even be captured?

Thinking to consult his Pokédex for anything that might help him understand this Alpha beast better, Rakki realized he didn't have his notes on hand. "Damn, must've fallen off when she grabbed me..." he began to look around at his feet, but there was only grass, trees and Lopunny's huge legs. "Ah... excuse me!" he raised his voice at her, thinking in all that tree-bashing commotion she might have stepped on his Pokédex. "Could you move your..." he began to request, but Rakki found himself falling silent once again.

Lopunny had grown bigger yet again. She hadn't just become taller though, her hips looked even wider, her plush butt even thicker. He could perfectly tell the difference because she was showing her back to him, already reaching up with her arms to the lowest hanging Pecha berries that she could now reach. "Pun puuuun!" she exclaimed happily, seizing one berry in each hand before turning towards Rakki, smiling so wide he could tell she was proud of herself.

The turning was so sudden that Rakki's eyes felt like they were getting tugged from left to right alongside the swinging bunny's rack, which also looked even larger than before. While earlier they had been literally the biggest pair of tits he had ever seen, they were no doubt each bigger than her own head by now. "Y-you really like that berry, don't you...?" Rakki stuttered, starting to feel his legs tremble again.

Lopunny already was biting down on the Pecha on her right hand, crouching slightly to hold out the berry on her left hand. The approach of the Alpha's huge hand caused Rakki to stumble back and fall on his butt. "Punpunpun! Puun?"

"Ahhh... nuh-no, thanks," Rakki found himself smiling a goofy and clearly nervous smile. "I'm not hungry," he shook his head. It was obvious neither human nor Pokémon could speak the other's language, but between gesticulation and body-language it looked like they could understand each other; because Lopunny pulled her offer back the moment Rakki started shaking his head.

Of course, it could also have been that Lopunny was so eager to have more of the sweet treats she didn't need much excuse to pig out. She swallowed the first and started working on the second, already starting to cluck happily as her whole body rumbled, beginning to swell anew.

Rakki didn't want to believe it at first, but the evidence was literally mounting before his eyes. "She really is growing bigger," the boy's freckled cheeks began to blush as he gasped in realization that not only was the Alpha Lopunny growing taller, she was also growing in other ways as well; breasts and hips swelling out to increasingly larger proportions.

"All those strange noises must have been her desperately trying to get more fruit to eat. She must have been eating those huge Pecha berries all by herself until now. Each one making her bigger and..." he paused, looking down from the 15ft. tall and swelling bunny's engorged breasts all the way down to her phenomenally flared out pelvis. However, he couldn't help immediately glancing back up at that immense pair of breasts, "...bigger..."

A few extra inches later, the rumbling stopped and Lopunny was already turned around, her incomparably thick rump taking up Rakki's view once more. She was already reaching up for the giant Pecha tree, mashing her squishy tits onto the sturdy trunk while stretching her arms up like a needy child wanting its fix of candy. "Puuuuuun..." she chuffed, her fingertips just out of reach of the prize.

"I guess there aren't any more low-hanging fruit, she must've knocked them all loose..." Rakki observed, though it was hard for him to maintain his attention on the Pecha berries above when the chocolate Pecha looming over him was bouncing and wobbling so much before his impressionable eyes. "Gah!" he flinched the moment he saw Lopunny and her magnificent behind bound upwards a half a dozen feet into the air all of a sudden.

Lopunny was so determined to get more berries she used her powerful legs to boost herself up. At first, she seemed eager to swipe the first Pecha she could reach at her new altitude, but when she saw the bundles of fruit hidden away in the canopies her eyes became star-struck. "Looooohp...!" Adjusting the trajectory of her swipe, she instead gripped the base of the closest branch, using it to remain suspended in the air while she reached up to claim her snacks with her free hand.

"Fuh-figures she can jump that high..." Rakki stuttered, watching the giant Alpha further indulge without care. "She's really pigging out. Is she really that hungry...?" he asked himself while observing the curvaceous rabbit chomp away.

Just as expected, every Pecha consumed added a few extra inches to Lopunny's height and curves. The bigger she grew however, the slower expansion seemed. Yet that didn't seem to discourage her in the slightest. As soon as Lopunny's mouth had grown big enough for it, Rakki was shocked to see her jamming berries inside two at a time. She didn't seem to be chewing them for very long either!

The logical part of Rakki's brain telling him to use this distraction to run away was constantly cursing him, for the young explorer was still sitting down, limbs frozen in place, his neck stuck in the same position keeping his head fixed at the same angle for the entire ordeal. Rakki simply could not look away. "Such desperation...!" he remarked, although he couldn't decide whether he was disgusted or enthralled.

With over ten Pechas consumed, it didn't take long for Lopunny's stretching legs to stop hanging in the air, feet inevitably connecting with the ground once more. Those amazingly long limbs of hers were now pushing the rest of her swelling body well past the 18ft. mark and she didn't seem interested in slowing down. Rakki could see her breasts becoming so large they were starting to part against the trunk. Her ass had fattened up so much there was no doubt in his mind even a fellow Alpha would become lost between those gluts.

Rakki had been right. Lopunny was desperate. Her chuffing and clucking increased in frequency and loudness the bigger she got, ravenous gasps and moans starting to pass her lips as she shoved engorged Pechas down her gullet without worrying about them being larger than a human's head.

"Mmmm...!" the Pokémon loudly moaned, feeling her body expand in every direction while adding more and more heft and mass to her breasts, buttocks and thighs. To accommodate all the lower body weight and be able to support the rest, her hips widened further, stretching out far beyond the width of her own shoulders. With both of her arms freed, all Lopunny had to do was take as many Pechas as she could from the steadily dwindling tree's reserves, cramming them inside of her mouth three at a time as she grew past 20ft. tall.

Mesmerized as he was, Rakki was starting to grow increasingly frightened at how that Lopunny was starting to outgrow every tree around her, her wide sides bumping the smaller ones and inevitably shoving them off. Through steady vertical advance, Lopunny's upper body emerged from the canopies, her voluminous breasts still pressed against the source of her growth snapping the flimsier branches on the giant Pecha tree.

"Huh-how big is she going to get...?" was the only recurring question in the scout's mind. He had seen various freakish events happen with or because of Pokémon before, but never in his life had he seen such a bodacious female's body grow so much her upper body vanished into the branches and leaves of surrounding trees. As she became wide enough for her legs and hips to grow into them the smaller trees could no longer compete for space, getting shoved aside or outright uprooted by her unstoppable swelling.

Lopunny sang with ecstasy. Every sweet bite not only sent her taste buds into a spiraling delight, but she got to feel that new sensation she had become so addicted to wrack every neuron in her brain anew. That juicy aftertaste was sending positively arousing tingling up her spine, filling her with energy and power that her body immediately translated into increasing bulk. She was going to become the biggest, strongest Alpha around with this kind of power! And hungry for more, the ravenous rabbit picked the giant tree clean.

Rakki considered himself fortunate enough to not have one of the felled trunks fall on him. But with only the growing giant and the now fruitless tree before his eyes, he could easily see Lopunny had grown large enough to hold the last bundle of Pechas in her hand as if they were regularly-sized berries. Her blissful expression as she continued to swell ever taller, coming close to matching the giant tree in height, contrasted how jealously she guarded all the remaining berries. There was absolutely no competition for the Alpha, yet she didn't seem aware of it.

Every Pokémon had long since vacated the river coast; her turf. And yet she had become so absorbed into the sensation of growth that she could not even conceive of a single fruit falling into anyone else's hands. While before she had been more than eager to share, the size-hungry Lopunny had become fully engrossed with the experience to the point she brought the remaining bundle and, using both hands, pushed them all into her mouth at once. "Pyuuun...!" she clucked between sloppy chewing, and soon her body followed through with the last of its surging.

With a gasp of pure delight after swallowing, Lopunny concentrated on fully locking on to that swelling sensation. Her cotton tail wiggled a little above her gargantuan ass, chest-dominating breasts swaying and wobbling with her titanic ears swaying sideways like pendulums as she enjoyed electrifying enhancement. 23ft. tall... 24, 25...! Without any more of those huge berries available, the last few inches were turning into the Cheri of cake. That self-absorbed Poké-beauty could no longer contain herself.

A loud moan of bliss escaped the Alpha's plumped-up lips, eyes falling half-lidded with her tongue lolling out as she felt utter relief. Her orgasm had been powerful, yet she remained standing. Panting, exhausted as if she had just finished accomplishing physical exertion comparable to moving the biggest mountain. An out worldly experience had left her mountainous, indeed.

Rakki, who had been watching the entire process, could still not find a way to bring his jaw back up. The floored boy's face had long since been heavily injected with crimson color. Lopunny's utter immensity was one thing but those assets were so impressive to look at that it had taken him a while to notice what was dead-center in that plush-looking lap of hers.

The rabbit Pokémon's vulva was fully exposed: Two swollen nether lips whose slit appeared especially moist. The giantess' chocolate fur was glistening with her sweat, but even Rakki could tell the sheen in Lopunny's sex wasn't the same thing. His particular Pokédex notes did not include that Spring time was, as with many other mammalian Pokémon, their heat season.

"Punpuuuun..." the giantess huffed with a great sudden need. All this eating and growing had managed to temporarily distract her from her main biological urge. In fact, her growth had only knocked her heat into overdrive.

Red, needy eyes scanned her surroundings for potential mates, but her nose could only pick one distinctive scent nearby. With most of the trees in her surroundings having been bumped off, the coast was fully visible to her. She had to bend down to prevent her humongous rack to hide the human boy below her, but Lopunny hadn't forgotten about him. He had been so kind to her, handing him those delicious, empowering fruits not once but twice. And he had even let her have them all to herself!

This Alpha Lopunny once had been wary of humans, but the human below her was different. And since she could sniff his arousal out of the air, she didn't think twice. Her knees hit the ground with a great, quaking thud, followed by her immense palms falling on each of Rakki's sides as her person-dwarfing tits and giant cute face hung above him. "Loh-pooh-nee...?" she moaned out softly, needily.

Rakki's unused Pokéballs slid out of his half-open pouch, rolling away.

"Wuh-what?" the guy felt so small, tiny, insignificant. That 25ft. giantess could certainly crush him under a single palm, yet that prospect didn't shake him as much as the sultry look the Alpha was giving him. Simply following Lopunny's burning gaze, Rakki finally understood where she was looking at. His pants were fully tented. "Ah! Nuh-no no no!" An uncomfortable amount of shame jolted his arms awake and they flew to cover the bulge at his groin with his hands. "Thu-this isn't what it looks like!"

"Punpun?" she leaned insistingly closer, the ground in front of Rakki getting taken over by those gargantuan mounds pancaking all over. Lopunny tilted her adorable face, pulling her long draping ears behind her shoulders as if they were gorgeously fluffy locks of hair. Rakki could see that relatively small button nose twitching as she sniffed him.

"Huh-hold on...!" Rakki begged as the giantess' looming head landed so close she could have scooped him up mouth right there. But instead of doing that she gently nosed his hands out of the way, barely needing any effort. She seemed happy with what she had to squint to find.

"Pyuun!" Lopunny let out a giggle that made Rakki shudder. Before he could protest, a single digit of hers came around to poke at the entirety of the human's crotch.

"Ahh!" Rakki moaned out reluctantly as he felt incredible pressure at his clothed genitals with just a little prod. He couldn't help being turned on by the colossal rabbit Pokémon's femininely obscene figure; that wasn't his fault. Sinuous and thick, any guy would lose their mind with a girl this endowed. "Why did it have to be a Pokémon of all things...?!" Rakki criticized himself, still unable to believe these beasts could get this attractive and arousing.

And whether unwittingly or not, Lopunny seemed to be capitalizing on all of her advantages. She had an overpowering need that transcended species. But before she could continue there was an immediate obstacle she had to get rid of. "Lop..." she chuffed following a few more curious prods that resulted in more moans from the small fellow. Lopunny didn't understand clothes, but she understood what she wanted from the human was being kept away from her by that layer covering him up.

Rakki could only stammer. "Luh-lady, I'm flattered but..." he paused. Rakki knew how futile it was to try to reason with the wild beast, but before he could think of how to get her attention away from his junk, two of her fingers pinched the sash at his waist. "Huh...?" he was surprised when Lopunny stopped molesting him, but he let out a frightful yelp when he heard fabric tear as the giantess not only pulled the sash but the rest of his outfit off his person like one removes the covers off bedding. "GAH! Ahhh!" Rakki screamed in embarrassment as the top of his ensemble was torn off him. "Y-you crazy bunny! Don't you realize how strong you are? You're lucky you didn't tear off my skin!"

"Punpyuuuun!" she sang happily at her objective being completed, discarding those pesky clothes to the side before she started leaning her face down to nuzzle Rakki. Now that the human's soft skin was accessible, she seemed eager to feel it against her cheeks and lips. Lopunny was an exceptionally affectionate species, with mates cuddling and feeling their bodies right before and right after intercourse. To her, this was just the beginning of exemplifying her availability to the human.

To Rakki, he was struggling not to get crushed into the grass by the massive bunny's head. "Sh-she doesn't realize how big she is? I'm not a male Lopunny, don't you get it?!" he tried, but her lustful churrs silenced his outburst. "Sh-she doesn't care..." Rakki nervously smiled as he saw her pull back, going back to looming over him as she sat up.

Lopunny's immense legs began to spread, Rakki able to see her knees scraping the grass as they each went their separate ways. Utterly gigantic, plush chocolate thighs covered in light sweaty sheen parted to once again reveal her glistening sex to Rakki. "Punny..." she sighed lightly, bringing a hand down to press her digits into her pussy, pushing them in from the sides of her huge genitals in order to expose her vulva to her potential mate.

"Cuh-crud... suh-so big..." the nervous Rakki gulped upon seeing the biggest vagina in his life. With how colossal Lopunny had grown, her sex was like a dripping, cavernous yet inviting tunnel of flesh. The clitoris bulb stuck between her fingers was sufficiently large for Rakki to make it out as well. An overpoweringly sweet scent reminding Rakki of Pechas and Lopunny's soft, feminine sweat wafted from between her legs; it was her heat, her pure arousal. "Yuh-you really want me to...?" he cursed himself for asking, but he couldn't help the way his own sex was throbbing, pulsing with his own arousal.

With a smile, Lopunny reached down with her free hand to shove Rakki closer from behind. It was so cute to her that he couldn't resist her, it filled her with excitement knowing she'd soon be able to put out in the fire in her loins. But the moment she began to lower her pelvis and engulf him in her thigh meat, the human began to squirm.

"Wuh-wait. Wait! You-you're crushing me...!" Rakki cried out in pain. It wasn't just his penis. He was so small compared to her that penetration hadn't even occurred, but the second she began to press down on him, the sheer weight of her lower body was enough to pin him in a vice capable of popping him if she wasn't careful.

Fortunately, Lopunny's sensitive ears managed to catch that clear screech of pain and suffering and she relented, although she was not pleased with the issue. She was used to pinning mates down and ride them until they were out of breath, but at this size her passion might actually kill her mate! However, the Alpha was truly desperate. She didn't want to spend time thinking about it, so instead she decided to change positions.

Rakki let out a sigh of relief when Lopunny's gargantuan quads released him. However, he soon found himself with her huge fingers wrapped around his waist, manipulating him like a big doll as she began to shift herself along the grassy river coast. Effortlessly rolling felled trees away like they were nothing to her, Lopunny cleared the space for her to lie down on.

Now lying on her side, Rakki could see just how unbelievably wide her hips truly were as they stuck out at least twice the width of her shoulders. Lopunny gave him a knowing smirk as she thumbed over his cock. "Ahhh... nuh-not so rough..." he whimpered. At first Rakki couldn't believe he was horny for a Pokémon. Now he couldn't believe he was truly growing excited at the idea of fucking that massive bunny pussy. "What's the alternative anyway? She's been sweet and nice so far but I've a feeling if I scorn her at this point..." Rakki gulped. He didn't want to think about it.

Try as she might, the size difference between she and the human made him fuss and complain no matter how careful she was manipulating him. With an impatient chuff, Lopunny made sure to quickly bring him over to her drooling cunt. She needed this so badly. "Puuuun... punpunpun!"

"Punpunpun, huh...?" Rakki repeated with a wry smile and a little laugh as he suddenly found himself on the side of those spectacular hips, constantly pushed closer to her nether region by her giant hand at his back. Nervous yet with his dripping cock twitching from the sight, Rakki was full of doubt and horniness at the same time. "Hu-how am I going to do this...? A little bigger and I think I could just fall in there..."

Rakki could hear Lopunny moaning from above. From his lap-bound viewing angle her head was all but gone, hidden behind those mountainous breasts. Yet he could get a few glimpses of her panting expression with her free hand fondling those tits. Her cunt was drooling.

"You're so wet..." the naked scout said, cautiously stepping closer to the beckoning giant womanhood. He could no longer think about his reservations about Pokémon, about the danger of mating with a giant whose thighs along could grind him into paste. His arousal finally matched hers.

As the human drew closer and closer to her love tunnel, Lopunny's thigh fur became increasingly sensitive to his steps. She twitched and inevitably rolled onto her back, legs kicking out so hard that the felled tree trunks she had shoved aside got launched into the river.

Rakki stumbled forwards at the sudden shift. In using his hands to catch himself from falling, he heard a squishy squelch and suddenly felt an intense amount of humid heat cover his mitts. "I-I hope she keeps being considerate. If she rolls onto her belly I'm so dead..." Rakki gulped, glancing back at the shattered logs floating on the river in the distance.

Diverting his attention back to his hands and that warm vagina, Rakki tried to quickly analyze how to go about this. She seemed awfully sensitive in spite of his little size. With how desperate Lopunny seemed to be he was almost sure no matter what he did she'd still get off. However, some sort of morbid curiosity invaded him when he began to hear cute whimpers coming from above as he attempted to move the fleshy folds in front of him by massaging them. "She really like this, doesn't she? Do Pokémon know about foreplay...?"

"Ahhh...!" Lopunny screamed, slamming the ground to her sides with her clenched fists. It was taking all of her willpower not to clench her thighs in the same way. With minute yet effective ministrations clearly getting her off, Lopunny's muff squirted clear fluid out.

The sticky, sweet-scented, semi-gooey water splashed Rakki on his chest, startling him at first. "Must be her juices..." the horny scout thought, so seduced by that fruity smell that he could not help himself from scooping some of that moisture off his chest to get a quick taste. Immediately, the young explorer took to exploring with his face instead of his hands.

Lopunny thought something was wrong when she wasn't feeling any sort of penetration. Yet something about what the human was doing to her felt so good. She had never been with somebody so small in her life, yet the eagerness with which he was physically toying with her sex had given her new appreciation for the well-mannered cutie. The way in which he was touching her was unlike any other male had before. Instead of possessively clenching her thighs, Lopunny instead spread her legs out further, as if inviting him to delve deeper with this twisted new form of pleasure.

Rakki did not think himself hungry until now. But after having touched the giantess' nectar with his taste buds, he could no longer resist it. Like a specialty beverage pooling in front of him, Rakki held onto Lopunny's folds to drink from her oozing precum as if he was a parched man dunking his head into the riverside. He sucked the liquid out and downed it with hearty gulps, and when there was no more, he dove his head in and used his tongue to scoop it right off the bunny's sensitive entrance.

"Nnnghh... mmmmaaaah...! Luh-lohp..." Lopunny began to pant, so turned on by Rakki's worship of her pussy that she only became hungry for more. Her hands came around to grasp at her utterly immense, head-dwarfing breasts, giving them brutish gropes. She was not used to these any better than she was used to having a small male having his way with her down there, yet she was clearly excited to experiment with all of these new, positive experiences.

"Suh-so good..." Rakki panted after nearly choking on so much female juice. His brain was overwhelmed, flooded by lust-charged hormones. "I'm so horny. I'm horny for this giant pussy, I can't..." his breathing accelerated as he brought his hands to clutch at the outer fluff surrounding Lopunny's pussy lips. Between all juices and sweat, everything was drenched and slippery, but uninhibited arousal gave him the courage to truly sink his fingers into a proper grip to steady himself.

Thanks to it being a such a naturally erogenous zone, it suddenly didn't matter that she was five times bigger than the human; Lopunny cried out with pleasure as her fur and skin were so roughly manhandled. She could feel her tiny lover getting into position. He had already been so wonderful and he hadn't even actually started yet! There was no longer anticipation, but unbridled necessity.

Sharing in on his impromptu partner's needs, Rakki wasted not a second longer and his initial reservations all vanished as if by art of magic. His hips met those swollen, gigantic pussy lips which greeted him with awfully inviting moist warmth. Modest human length and balls practically disappeared into those wet folds.

Straight away the main issue was apparent for Lopunny: Her mate was decidedly underequipped for the job. She had always been a big girl though. Even Alpha males had to be topped because their relatively small dicks were not being used in a way that could put out the fire in Lopunny's snatch.

Yet there was something about the way the human was rubbing himself, his whole, pathetically small body against her. Something about how even with his great challenge as an obstacle he still pounded his entire manhood, staking his whole self into her cunt, that was driving her crazy. Rakki wasn't merely using his penis to fuck her, he was slamming himself against her nethers!

"Ooounnghh... Feels so slippery, it's so hot it almost burns but..." Rakki could barely hang on, the grip on Lopunny's outer muff the sole reason he hadn't slipped into that squishy hole, "...it feels so good. It smells so good. It's... aaaannghh...!" he groaned, stopping mid-sentence as his lust-overloaded libido devolved his thoughts into pure action. It wasn't about surviving this intimidating giant bunny woman: Tiny or not he had to fuck her.

"Haaaaah...! Haah, ahnn! Hhaaaa... Luhhhh...!" Lopunny whined. She wasn't budged a singular inch from Rakki's whole-body pounding, yet stimulation was in no shortage. Her toes curled, muscles tensing up. She pressed her feet down into the ground, biting her lips as she instinctively began to hump the air, mimicking the very same motions she would by fucking an equal. She was unsure if this was her heat or that little human was truly hitting the right spots at such a shallow depth, but Lopunny couldn't stop appreciating what it was doing for her horny little brain.

Unfortunately for Rakki, his body wasn't built for making love to a pussy half his body size and maintaining such a strong grip for long periods of time. With lessening physical impact after each thrust, he soon could no longer keep slamming himself against Lopunny with the same energy. Not for lack of enthusiasm, but because he was soon feeling pressure gathering at his own genitals. He was close.

Fortunately for Lopunny, she wasn't very far away, herself. Between naturally inflamed carnal desires and a newfound appreciation for sexual human gumption, the giantess had become extremely receptive of every single one of Rakki's efforts. Her cute whimpers filled the heartwood. Milk began to dribble out from her immense breasts, soaking through her fingers and prompting her to squeeze herself even harder. Throwing her head back and cracking the very ground under its weight, Lopunny screeched out in bliss.

Rakki followed with hardly bated moans, "Haaaah... aaaaaah...!" His orgasm shook his brain, further fogging his mind up as he felt himself shoot an enormous load straight into the depths of that wet hot box. Ejaculation stopped him and forced his grip to lax, but before he had a chance to slip and fall, a rush of sweet liquid hit him head on.

"Punnyyyyyyyy...!" the giantess hollered out, cumming so hard she couldn't stop herself from clenching. She clenched so hard her massive legs came together. Rakki wasn't prepared and was caught off guard by heavily muscled, plump thighs walling him in from both sides.

"Nnnghhh...!" the pinned scout grunted, barely having managed to brace himself for the impact. Lopunny was crushing her with her immense lap. "Suh-stop...!" he begged, "Yuh-you're... you're gonna crush me at this rate... Gah...!" he cried out, becoming fully entrapped. Lopunny's thighs were so utterly gigantic and thick they were not only smothering him but fully running him over, entrapping him in sweaty, squishy darkness.

"Mmnnngh... mmnnaaaaah!"

As Lopunny cried out once more, she clenched one last time. But Rakki didn't pop. He didn't get hurt. Between their combined sexual juices and sweat acting as a sort of lubricant, the pressure of Lopunny's thighs actually assisted in sliding the human up, higher and higher until all that built up pressure came to a head with the final clench.

Rakki popped up and outside, propelled several dozen feet into the air like a bottle rocket; a thin trail of wetness following his flailing form. "Bwaaaaaaaa...!" the naked scout cried out. He was sure he was going to fall to his demise, but a strangely lucid Lopunny caught him out of the air with just one hand.

Panting, Rakki's Pokémon lover held him in her grip. Her free hand was already stuck between her legs, picking his slack up.

"Thu-thank you, thank you!" Rakki said to Lopunny while desperately clinging to her fingers. Her eyes were half-narrowed and there was a seductive little smile on her face. "Thank...? GAH!"

"Punpuuuuun...! ?"

Once again, Rakki found himself at the center of the rabbit's colossal mounds. Her face nuzzled both them and him at once, her tongue grooming him while tasting his sweat and her own juices, clucking happily at him. She was clearly happy with her newfound mate.

Spent and tired after all that action, Rakki could barely hold on to his consciousness. "Yuh-you can't be serious, I can't... you can't expect me to go... another... round..." he panted, wondering just how long it would be before he could go back home.

"What have I gotten myself into...?" were Rakki's last lucid thoughts before exhaustion claimed him against that fluffy giantess' embrace.

At least it was a very soft place to be in the heartwood.

The End.

Growth in the City

This is a commission for Nearl (FurAffinity.net) Warning: This story contains growth, muscle growth, cock growth, butt growth, macro, soft vore, clothes ripping, oral, anal, spit-roasting, and so many fluids! Also, magic! Nearl,...

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Azure Realm

This is a commission for FatesLover (FurAffinity). Arsene, Arcana, Mars and Yvall belong to FatesLover. Warning: This story contains omni levels of macro growth and hyper proportions. Disclaimer: Pokémon and its regional...

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Light Taker

This is a commission for Giza Warning: This story contains corruption, transformation, growth, breast and muscle expansion. Kaida the cheetah belongs to Giza. Light Taker, by...

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