If he could speak pt4

He was terrified of a blissey trying to calm him down. i had to sedate him. i gave him some medication for any parasites and a general antibiotic. the next week the blissey was away and they wanted to keep him.

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Descendant: Chapter 2; Meet and Greet

blissey egg and moomoo milk react in... interesting ways.

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Just a Game? - Chapter 4

There are pokemon that can speak human, but not that many, i for one cannot," the blissey said. "me? understand the pokemon language? that's ludicrous," i said.

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Waste Not

The blissey held up her flippers. [i don't know what kind, not my business.] lips puckered, the blissey finally shook her head. [maybe he was keeping you until you evolved. seeing what you'd be before he gave up. i don't know that either.]

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Brionne (M) X Oshawott (M) ~ Orre Academy Chronicles ~ the intro

Your room should have everything you need," the blissey said, guiding miju into one of the rooms labelled e5. "there should be a card key in there, too.

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Getting Squishy

Madam blissey was an excellent cook, and her snacks were worth every penny! ruby tried to go slow and enjoy it, but before long she'd still devoured the whole thing.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9.3- Guild Under Siege

In a quick moment of selflessness, the scyther stepped in front of the blissey, taking her place to be engulfed by the flames as her shield.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 11- Slaying A Shark

Looking at her, blissey realized she went a little too far with her story. she wrapped her flippers around the distressed rabbit, holding her close, in an attempt to comfort her.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 24

In a panic, blissey ran up to the two and held out her egg, cracking it and allowing its contents to fall all over the two.

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Max’s adventure: Deep in the forest

Arcanine and blissey while they were distracted and talking amongst themselves, when feraligator went to max "so max, what you are doing?"

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 3

"blissey!" the pokémon exclaimed "thank you, blissey," i said, smiling happily. i knew that i still had things to worry about, but they seemed to be put on hold, at least for the moment. i felt genuinely happy.

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Destitute Determination - Chapter 2 : Emergence

With some quick directions from the blissey, the two of us quickly found his appointed room.

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