Zootopia: First Salvo 12

chancy started into a long drawn out direct "chain of command" list of his unit and base.... "uncle chancy? it's me william?" will said... "well damn youngster! where you at?" chancy replied.

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Rebirth ch32

"at the moment, it's being checked up on by the chancy downstairs. once she's done a full checkup on it and one other new friend, we'll be rejoining lady suicune."

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 16

chancy smiled and rubbed alex's head tuft. "i think you need to get out more frustrations.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

chancy's little sister replied. "hey!" chancy said with a smile. "how are you "taffy"? how's the hub and cubs?" "good." she replied. "i'm calling because of william and alexander.

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Brought into the Light: Part 8: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Besides the obvious fruit parade chancy? what evidence do you really have on this one snake being the suspect?" gordon asked. "nothing...ok? appeasing the professional opinions of our legal scholar here." chancy said pouting.

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Jayden, Chapter 6

Looking back at the chancy, "would you please get the back," gesturing to the string on the back of his hospital-gown. the chancy closed her eyes, and pulled. "thanks." jayden didn't waste another second, quickly throwing on his pants.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Destiny's Way:Chapter 1: A very rude awakening

"chancy, you too!" an umbreon, espeon, and chancy huddled around the egg, asp, the espeon, pulled small chunks out of the egg with physic,and umber, the umbreon, widened the cracks to help whatever was inside.

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Rebirth ch24

I was beginning to wonder about how long that chancy was going to take with the milk when i heard something else come from over at suzy's table but ignored it for a bit as the chancy returned with the bottle and i began to feed the hungry infant.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 17

Alex stopped chancy just before he touched the bathroom door..."uncle?... i'm proud of you....and......and i love you very much." chancy smiled back. "mutual alex...always with you and will no matter what. take all the time you want kid.

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A Different Kind of Training - part 4

It was then when chancy returned with the food. she served us each a traditional kanto meal: tempura, udon and rice balls. "thank you," i said to the chancy. (note: tempura and udon are japanese dishes sometimes served together.

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Zootopia: First Strike part 11

I'm sure chancy understands that you have your own life to live. you can go by yourself all over the city, we're not going to stop you." grace said. "then if i don't spend time with uncle chancy, i'll feel guilty." william said with a deep sigh.

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 1

With dad and say uncle chancy who are much bigger than us two and more experienced, taking down a grown buck or bull elk is easy. besides...you're too kind for that kind of savagery. i know you. heck?

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