Stellar Encounter
The cobra's muscles quickly adapted to their will, and his shaft began to ripple with distinct swallows.
Day 20 Roleplay
cobra said. "a noisy one too." as a response aspen grabbed the odd purple pokeball and threw it at cobra, striking him in the chest.
Spicy Dragon Roll (1/3)
"jerkah, i don't know what to say..." the cobra quickly stated once he had regained his composure.
Understanding hit the cobra suddenly as his mind finally processed just exactly what his little pet-to-be was turning into.
A Life in Captivity
He welcomed the cobra's embrace, leaning forward to place his chin into the cobra's maw, his eyes drifting close as he let out a contented churr.
How the hell does one not see a thirty foot long cobra-type naga? "hey, najiri, are you in here?"
He struggled against the ties holding him in place in for the cobra's amusement.
An End to All Things
Kael closed his eyes and churred softly into the cobra's kiss before he felt the cobra's tongue slip into his muzzle. a salty taste filled his muzzle almost immediately as he felt the cobra pushing some of his cum into his muzzle.
Spicy Dragon Roll (2/3)
Already the cobra knew that there really wasn't any threat of drowning, not only because he had something pushing inside his throat for the last few minutes but also because of his time as a sake cobra.
Dragonheart Part 49
Rieder jumped over a cobra and made into finger sign ". jutsu blood lions, shadow-free" the shadow of the cobra began to form into a circle that stood then at her.
The cobra grinned slightly when he saw the horse take a step back. cobras were not common this far north and he often found himself the subject of a peculiar stare when out and about.
Little Club of Horrors (1/5)
The cobra nodded back and went inside, opening the door to find that there was another one a few feet behind it.