A chance at power

._ _feeling the throb as his metal ring synch against bone, hilbaot willingly let slip his lower jaw in compliance.

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The Hunt

He extends the offer of his complete compliance, in the hopes you will spare his people from unnecessary suffering.'

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New Antares

The cream-furred fox pulled on his compliance collar. damn thing felt tighter than his clothes. for a moment, a bristling confidence burned within him.

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Mind Control Story: Compliance with Police Officers

"besides, the boys will be happy to see that the compliance enforcement beam works. they've been wanting to use that in the field for weeks."

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Tulip Gardens: Training Guide

Their failure to contain themselves will prompt further compliance. designing a public accident is a way to deal with defiant patients. the double diaper method can work.

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Good girl Rewritten Pt. 3

Demiurge ordered, testing the depths of her compliance. lillith looked at him inquisitively, indecisive in how which to proceed. _'how? and with what?'_ "...with your _tongue_."

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Corgi being Productive (Otherwise Untitled)

He never felt quite at ease amongst machines, and these particular machines seemed to possess an unnerving combination of greed and compliance. he leaned over to address the nearest of the hulks of steel and logic, "i can trust you, right?


The Dark Side

Her breath wrapped around him, enhancing his compliance, though that was merely a benefit of being a demoness of lust and passion, though it was a darker kind than one may have liked. such was the way of it.

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Demiurge/reader Ch. 15

His stare is cold and unblinking, like a shark's as he allows himself a moment to mull over your sudden compliance.

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Research Log [#005]

Funnily enough, when we went through his neural activity log we found that he had been trying to break free of what we call the 'compliance protocol'.

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But in between the cracks in the concrete and the chips in the walls, is a structure left standing in defiance for i will not give compliance to him.


Worlds Apart - Epilogue

Your compliance is critical to the future of the human race and your cooperation is absolutely essential to our survival. together we will end this threat.
