The essance of life part three
He had his first ever hamburger and she had a corphish soup. she selected her choice of wine and he tried some. he had no tolerance and sipped it. after the meal she paid the bill and nudged him into the rented room.
Pokemon Luna: Chapter I
"i was thinking of trying the corphish. what about you?" "the octillery sounds pretty good to me." their orders taken, they sat idly enjoying each other's company and a drink, sitrus for atty, and pecha for sil.
Pokephilia Story - A Frog's Only Wish (Sariah's Tale P.1)
She still remembered him turning as red as a corphish, though. maybe the evolution didn't just change him physically, she thought. maybe more was under the surface of her froggy partner than she realized.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon – Hand of Fate Ch 1-3
corphish, bidoof, you two will assist kangaskhan set up a small ride for the children. spirit, raive, i would like you two to help marowak and his two daughters set up their fire act stage.
POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 7 : Home At Last : Our Adventure Begins & Lapras The Gatekeeper :
Which then the gate then open up and then everyone all then showed up bidoof, dugtrio, loudred, sonflora, corphish, chimecho, bruteroot, ray mystero, shellshoch, and skybyte which surrounded us with sad and happy emotions just like us which they all were
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 73
My kind thrives in the sun, but you humans step foot in it and you come out looking like cooked corphish." she snickered. "yeah, kinda sucks, especially when we're in the water. this stuff helps though so no worries! you're gonna join us too, right?"
Teaching the Tango
That skill was mainly useful for tying up food that liked to scatter, such as krabby or corphish. even the occasional magikarp could use a little restraint from the generous supply of vines stashed in the garden.