The Legion vs NWO
I played assassins creed and the first game does make sense like the kingdom of heaven is a good movie. and further assassins creed games are getting delusional. people blamed templars for everything and grawn castillo is mad.
Character Profile: Foxy
Although she can wield unyielded variants of whip, she prefers to use her trademark bullwhip, "creed".spanning 11' 5", creed has an incredible range comparable to those of pole weapons.
Between Creeds
A land full of dark forestry, mountains, and more stretched out before an overcast sky. Black stone rose from the ground like claws reaching toward the celestial realm. In a similar manner, cities and settlements popped up throughout the region here...
The Creed: The Unraveling
#6 of the creed this post is actually fairly short. the intro is recapped for those who are on sfw mode, which takes up most of the length. **11:00 pm** i awoke to bright lights shining in my face and cringed.
The Creed: X
#4 of the creed _later that day_ the knife sunk itself into the tree's trunk with a heavy "_thunk!"
The Creed: Introduction
#1 of the creed disclaimer: this story starts out in medias res, so there's gonna be context that you're missing. that's kinda the point.
The Story of Mercedes and Nightrun (first year) part one
I exclamed. with a shrug i just started to walk home. as i walked home, i took out the note and opened it. it says "hey creed! i know this is kind of sudden but ok, here i go! creed would you like to be my bf? its ok if you say no. call me back!
A Lone Guardian - First, We Train, Then...
Besides, it was obvious the guy wasn't done talking by the look creed was giving him. chuckling, creed continued, "yeah, i get that look a lot when i mention that."
A Letter To My Wife
Love, creed creed[9:09:07 pm] shane the wolf: mary,
Credo of Thieves, Part 2
Everyone was appalled; everything was broken. Storming through the damaged museum, servant in tow, the esteemed philanthropist Thaddeus Winslow Cooper swept dust and rubble aside with the trim of his thick coat in a fury. The collapsed hallway had...
The Wolf's Requiem (part 5)
"i thought this creed was about doing anything to keep freedom, no matter the cost, even for the humans, looks like we both were wrong when i signed up."
Geheimnisse und Gerüchte - Der nächste Tag
Herr creed missfiel dieser akt der geistesabwesenheit. "ray! ray! wenn du weiter träumen willst, dann mach das, aber nicht in meinem unterricht, ist das klar?"