New Age, New Life.
Eragon said holding the young deagoness close, upon closer inspection eragon noticed that except for the black scales, olera was the spitting image of her mother.
Zhaiothe Part 7 - Collapse My Dream
deago half growled at the other dark tirix. "i'm planning to use them as well." deago looked at october with concern once again. "but only for defense.
Fear Is The Weakness (Act 4) - Self vs Self
deago suggested. "there's nothing here worth preserving, as horrible as that sounds." a bit of a whimper from october, and he stopped. "if you don't catch up to him, you're going to lose them."
The Tip Of The Iceberg
It's wired in my damn brain to, thanks to deago." another perked ear, and bartan quickly scanned through the room of people. pointing out towards an orange tiger-sized feral panther with a red mane and some tattoos. "deago."
Somewhere Out There Act 20 - To The Moon And Back
deago suggested. "if you want to call nearly breaking the dragon's perspective a positive note." the brown one stated, getting a near scolding look from the larger orange one.
KAVUA Chapter 3 - Getting to Know You
She hated the thought of having to report back to deago that a mere jungle creature had stolen her camera.
KAVUA Chapter 5 - Something About Lai
Siara glanced away, angry at herself for not remembering the conversation kuve and deago had her first day there. "i'm sorry. i forgot," siara apologized. kuve gave her a smile. "may i ask how he died?"
Fear Is The Weakness (Tame) Part 2
deago suggested. "there's nothing here worth preserving, as horrible as that sounds." a bit of a whimper from october, and he stopped. "if you don't catch up to him, you're going to lose them."
Somewhere Out There Act 22 - Relapse Collapse
Those brown eyes of his trailed off to deago. "an outbreak?" "an outbreak of what?" a double take at zuzu. "n-no, not that kind of outbreak." a noise in question from her, as the woman overlooked the large dragon.
What's The Matter Man 4
I'm often with linet, ryoko and deago." "oh wow, we _never_get to hang out...!" the dragon repeated, making the fox chuckle. "that's what happens when you become a parent. so, come on. let's go build up some mass, or whatever you call it.
Fear Is The Weakness (Tame)
deago suggested. "there's nothing here worth preserving, as horrible as that sounds." a bit of a whimper from october, and he stopped. "if you don't catch up to him, you're going to lose them."
Second Chance
"thank you, deago." "oh, it's you. for what?" the orange one yawned, trying to be quiet. "for giving me a chance... all those years ago." a pause from the tirix, but he nodded in response.