Moneybag Mr. Nook
So i get the privilege of working at nook's homes every day, along with my niece, lottie, and the mayor's secretary's brother, digby. boom! lottie loves that digby, but she's too scared to tell him.
Part 1 - Shocks and horrors.
_it was much less of my problem rather than mr digby's._ i taught not even questioning how dan found out. i sat up and was still for a second. dan _was_right, but part of him just wanted to stay at home and let his problems fester.
Das ist Fledermausland
"digby, dustin digby. und du bist dann wohl natalja von flapp, habe ich recht?" da sie ihn dutzte, tat er das gleiche mit ihr. "natalja von und zu flapp", betonte sie.
Lyle and the Grand Gay Getaway Package [18+]
Lottie and digby? full dating. she spends three nights a week at his place. he spends three nights here. we don't talk to my brother, so lyle gave lottie that "dad talk". bang! digby calls me uncle lyle. it's only a little weird.
Laurel's Story, Part 3
Salu digby laughed. "laurel, of course i am. i'm the legion's shrinking violet, i do this for a living. if i had to fear simply getting eaten by someone, i wouldn't have lasted nearly twenty years in this business, right?"
Laurel's Story, Part 2
Salu digby, the legionnaire called shrinking violet, has gone to find her._ shrinking violet tapped the chimepad outside laurel's room again.
2023-04 Compilation
digby is one of those people and conall seems perfectly happy to indulge him. with just a bit of magic, the hyena is shrunken to micro proportions.
Just Another Day
So single minded was her focus, in fact, that jas almost didn't notice when she passed by digby, brother to her faithful assistant isabelle.
Mutt Part 10
"i have to admit that i never got digby to respond like that before." daddy replied with a grin and a ruffling of my headfur. "i think that this is going to go smoother than i originally thought it would.
No More Monday Memos
The editor, brian "digby fox" cook, is exacting! i'm truly pleased to be able to live up to his high standards, and to be posted alongside such fantastic talent as renee carter hall and alice dryden, both of whom i respect immensely.
Heat 12
"last fell sir, he knocked of digby on the way..." "run, follow the lt and get to high ground as fast as you can." dillon shouted at him cutting him off.
05 - The Song of the Badger
"how much time do we have before the ferry trip to digby?" "three hours," the sloth responded. "we could rush it, right?" "sure," the sloth answered. "no problem," the badger said. "we're going to be late, aren't we?"