Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 22
forensics have been swamped." "okay, i'll call you in a few days, if it's ready i'll arrange to get it picked up." "no." "alice." "absolutely not." "damn it alice."
But she was bored without forensics and major mass spec to check up on, so she was quite willing to find the duck-meister and be duly impressed by hot!tech power.
A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep1
You want to get forensics back up here. taser, and we have a good idea where the shooter was." "crap, i'm going to be keeping that damn cat supplied with expensive whiskey until the next fucking decade!" this was my running bet with lt. anderson.
The Society, CH 18
"basically setup our own forensic lab." "how long will that take?" denton asked.
Don't cry wolf 2
The officer that was next to him called to the forensics, they came over and picked it up the substance with tweezers and put it in a bag. "we'll get this to a lab right away." herman stood up, "i want you to get this to the lab yesterday!"
The Scout
None have entered the area save the patrol droids who made the find, and the forensic droids we have scanning the area. we are leaving no evidence of seleonian presence that may be used to falsely incriminate our citizenry."
A Journey Begun - Chapter 2 - The Daily Grind
We were, uh, told you were head of forensics?" she gave me a glance.
Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems. Chapter 1: Organized Chaos
Now all twenty one of his deputies, plus his four man swat team and two forensics experts, were on scene. he had forensics seal off the warehouse, and had his swat, along with sergeant smith's state swat, check the other two warehouses.
"did forensics come up with anything?" "let me check my notes." the shep reached inside the box to remove a few sheets of paper, which i found happily old-school.
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 2
Like the forensic crew and the detectives, it's likely he's completely desensitized to all of this. i envy him.
Superstitious (Chapter11, Book8)
There's nothing that forensics can work with, which is how the cover up was able to stick. he has an ability and that's what he uses to kill.
Chapter 3: CSI arrives
forensics could not find anything.