Chaotix Love
glados: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, you bitch, just you wait until i come back in the sequel. chell: ........!? after the movie had ended, vector had become lust driven, and was touching and rubbing espio in inappropriate ways.
Iron Dragon Chapters 147-148
He had tried everything in his power to protect the valkyrie from glados. his army fell to the force glados held sway over at the time. had he the power he has now back then, the outcome would have been different.
Iron Dragon Chapters 169-170
Tera was the young girl she carried in her arms, sarnia was by her side as glados accused them. she had seen nodrog fall during that dream over and over again.
Division 42, Ch. 6: Escape
We were lying together in my bed back at division 42, having arrived moments ago and giving her to zeta, with the reunion of her and glados taken care of.
Of Foxes and Portals (Teaser)
Authors Note: 'ello all! I know it has been a while since I have posted something, that was mostly due to world of warcraft taking over my soul. but now I am back! While this is just a teaser, the full first chappter is on its way and should be out...
The Beginning of the End Part II
"glados, i know what you're thinking, and i will _not_ allow it!" hadn't i told her before to adress me as 'dr.schroeder'? i wanted her gone, and i wanted her gone as soon as it was possible.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Entry 64 - Part 2 of 2
Fast as goris was, and strong as goris was, goris was still nowhere as fast nor as strong as the body inhabited by the four-way combine of glados, shodan, komplex, and john henry eden.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Hellstation & Superstation - rule 63 diablo) diablo's demons ([]( doom monsters ([]( glados
Iron Dragon Chapters 135-136
"roslyn walked out onto the battlefield and openly cursed at and attacked glados the pure, a lesser dragon god as i am sure we all know. it is a feat i cannot compete with. for her bravery in such overwhelming odds."
GlaDOS and the fox. A portal fanfic.
There once was a naughty anthropomorphic fox with an Aperature Science Hand Held Portal Device. He was such a mischievous fox that he often did my tests wearing nothing but a smile. I chided and chastised him but that only seemed to encourage him more....
Of Foxes and Portals
Authors Note: 'ello! So, this is the first time I have tried to write anyting with yiff. So any tips on improvement are greatly appreciated. If you guys would like your own custom testchambers featured in this story, then go ahead a send me a PM with...
Chapter Six - A Failed Attempt
Where glados was an evil computer and you had to make portals to get places and defeat her..." he said. "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" electra snapped. "whoa there, i was just saying... because of the portals....