Chapter 14: Ambush & Unknown Power
Wolf said with rage as he stabbed the hitmonchan multiple times as he screamed in fear.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt3
The battle kept going, mostly being divided into arcanine-hitmonchan and breloom-persian, though there were some crossover attacks.
Poke Quest Chapter 2 : Spreading Aftershocks
Bastian saw it too and the hitmonchan readied his gloved hands. quox had to reach out to stop samuel in his tracks as the three peered on. the bushes shook just a tad and they parted to reveal three ferals.
A Bond's True Depth
_if only erebus could actually see me..._ erebus of course being her friend, a shadow hitmonchan. a special kind of wild hitmonchan, though once human-raised, that she befriended by saving his life, only a year before.
Nature's Story: Family
The hitmonchan gave a short grunt. "you're three years from adulthood, not three years old. act your age!" robin nodded slowly. the hitmonchan blew air out of his nose, watching the lucario for a bit longer, who trembled under the inspection.
The Gift of Time
The hitmonchan watched this in puzzlement. he turned his back upon his special friend and watched as the two young pokemon sized each other up again.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt5
The hitmonchan smiled, glad to hear the arcanine would say he was okay with jack's openness in public (kyle had said as much to jack in private already, but the hitmonchan was always at least a little worried about offending his boyfriend, so hearing that
Voremon, Part 1
She could faintly hear people coming up the stairs, and noticed, just upon finding a switch behind the throne, many hitmonchans, voltorbs and ariados appearing. "hey, what's going on!?" one hitmonchan demanded. "i just ate your leader."
What (genre?) is that Pokemon?
- incredible, you win, i think i'm in love. - say the hitmonchan - but you is female!!!! - ... - ...
Sight of the heart Part VII
hitmonchan!" the ball bursts open revealing a humanoid pokemon in a strange light purplish fighters outfit with oversized boxing gloves on its hands. "time to get this over with and get things back on track, use close combat now!"
Saffron City Dojo Gangbang
Another man pushed his pokemon, a hitmonchan, forward. "go on, give her mouth another good fucking," he said. hitmonchan approached riolu and knelt down beside her.
Nature's Story: Oneself
The hitmonchan shouted suddenly, a cry of anger. he shoved away his wife, and leaning over, spat at the robin. the young lucario flinched, feeling it land on his ear.