Mixed Tale 7 - Dockside Pirates
"good journeys, high inquisitor," the messenger said before joining the others. tayin came up by isaad and inquired, "what is it, high inquisitor?"
The Tale of Thorns - Chapter 1
The female shrieked, "not a step closer, inquisitor! if we cannot have him, nobody will!"
Mixed Tale 4 - Hozuka Ruins
"high inquisitor isaad is our most experienced leader still alive.
[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 5: A New Offensive
Unfortunately, so was the inquisitor.
Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 5: A New Offensive
Unfortunately, so was the inquisitor.
The Lead Crown: Ch 1b, Martyrdumb (Pt 3)
inquisitor ignus chuckled in the blackness, and fear tingled up aurelie's spine.
Chapter XIX: Farmer's Directive
The inquisitors all had the same reaction while their accompanying grey knights frowned in confusion. tynvandar slowly turned his gaze towards the inquisitor, frowning. "is something the matter, inquisitor?" asked the _apex clericus solis_.
The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood
"ah, but the arch-inquisitor surely did die," said the hooded, red-robed figure.
A Patient Death 04: Civilised Folk
"oh, inquisitor, i should think that far too much effort for such a trifling transgression." the otter muttered, rubbing his jaw. "it's no matter." "oh, you dear thing." the inquisitor replied, tail curling.
An Anteronian Finale 2
inquisitors!" the door slams open with little trouble. if that didn't worry the nobleman, then the inquisitors rushing towards the table and lifting the elf up to stand up certainly does.
Tahikida, Chapter 4
" " your an inquisitor?" tahikida interrupted "yes..." the directorate of the inquisitor in tahikida's home world was the equivalent of the judiciary system in this one.
Mutatis Mutandis
"our bodies only define ourselves if we let them, inquisitor...."