Hundred Acre Woods:
"kanga told me she needed a few."
100 Acre Wood Gone Wild
kanga turned to regard him as he bounded into view. "why hello tigger dear, what brings you around today. are you alright?" "kanga, i..."
Roo and Denny In (Lost in the 100 acre wood.) PT. II
Said kanga.. "well i'm still sorry though." kanga smiled. "that's ok, just be careful with my son. he'll be awake soon, so you guys just run and play then for a while."
Dust in the Wind. Dust in my Lungs (PMD:WNA #2)
Fortunately, the sound seemed to cause kanga to stir as i got back near her. she groaned and shook her head as she looked around at her surroundings. "kanga, i'm coming. i'll be right there." i watched as she looked in my direction.
Springtime In the Hundred Acre Wood
"joey will be - " a small, furred streak rushed past kanga, and if it wasn't for her heavy tail, she would have been knocked off her feet. "joey, how many times have i told you - " kanga admonished her offspring. "love you mother!"
Momma's Boy
Not only that, but a juicy cum dribbling kanga pussy for an after math shot.
An 'Evolved-One's' Tale - Chapter Three - Exploration and Discovery
"oh, kanga - " kendra moaned, and rubbed her hips against natalia's tail.
The Kanga Takeover
Now we're both big happy kanga's!"
5-Year-Old-FievelJ in, Pissy Poopy N A Little Kangaroo
Then he bounced toward i assume roo and kanga's place. it didn't take me long to realize, tigger was true to his word, as i saw kanga outside hanging up around a dozen blue shirts. "-good afternoon miss kanga-mam."
Kangaskhan and Trouble chapter three
She slapped my hand and i yelped, "ouch" kangaskhan looked scared as she said, "kanga kanga kanga." i looked at her as i smiled, "i'm ok kanga." kangaskhan was blushing.
Kangaskhan and Trouble chapter two
I placed my hand on her and said, "kangas." kangaskhan jumped knocking my down and she quickly helped me up saying, "kangas kanga." i stood up and replied, "i'm ok kangaskhan. what were you thinking about just now?"