River's First Time
His rough tongue felt like a kitty tongue but larger as his paws kneaded the girl's sides like a small kitten could do. river gasped at the feel of his kitty tongue on her cheek and the pads of his paws kneading her sides.
Mounted by his Horse
His paws kneaded along duke's length while his emerging tongue circled the squirming tip. duke shivered and stomped at that. a shot of pre burst from his cock.
She gripped and kneaded deeply into her breasts, her mouth slipping open as her tongue flicked out with a gasp of pleasure.
Funz Time...
Cora screamed between ragged gasps, as those strong warm hands squeezed and kneaded her hefty breasts lustily.
Piece de resistance.
Morpheus felt the strong digits gripping about his form, before the rhino began kneading. the most bizzare sensation washed through the hybrid as the dough was kneaded and molded. his body was responding in kind.
A Supple Wish
She kneaded in against his pectorals, admiring lust evident in her eyes. "my god, your chest is just so soft and yielding. yeah, my god. just look at those curves." dane looked down in surprise, watching her knead against his swelling chest.
Rub ya belly?
The expertise of those hands kneading his belly doing wonders for him. a sleepy torpor threatening to haze his mind as he licked his lips again, smiling.
Waking the Cheetah
My hand returned to his hip, caressing and kneading down the back of his thigh and in between his legs.
Playing Dirty
Ht blushed intensely as the warm flesh kneaded over him, starting his familiar journey into fox's innards.
[WIP] Cherie
Pressing my cock to my little slut bunny's fingers, i lick over her ears, murring hotly as i knead her full tits.
Red Wolf Massage
You swear you can feel each of your hairs as his rough kneading grinds them together. "just think of how beautiful you're becoming . . ."
Follow Your Instincts
A pair of hands pushed over frosty's head, kneading over the bulge that was beginning to grow on the housecat's middle.