Abalo Awak
The whole expanse of kodo hide vibrated as the bull shuddered and growled out something completely unintelligible. he may not understand the language...but the meaning was quite clear.
Tauren's Tale Reincarnation - Ch. 1: The Hermit
After a few seconds, a kodo sauntered over to the pair. the tauren climbed on first, then offered a hand to ryldar to help him onto the back of the mount. "hold on," the tauren warned. "hyah!"
Darkness of the Heart: Chapter Two
The paladin sat by the camp fire, eating roasted kodo while watching the sun set on the horizon. "i will find you, luna stormcrow.
Feral Lust
This didn't seem to slow the kodo down as he huffed and again pressed his urgent need to suel's ass, making him turn it up a bit. he moaned and smiled. "i guess not..."
Tauren's Tale - Chapter 1: The Hermit
Pulling on the kodo's reins, he guided it towards a nearby tree. getting off his mount, "thanks for saving me earlier...i guess i got a little cocky," ryldar said nervously. "yes, you did.
Tauren Joke
There in the distance was a kodo unlike any they had ever seen. the gigantic beast was armored in metal and covered in spikes and blades. perched high atop the enormous creature was an armored giant.
Tauren's Tale - Chapter 2: The Journey
Approaching the tavern, ryldar tied his kodo to a post and headed inside. the place was full of people, all talking, laughing, drinking, and all around having a great time.
Tauren Tale, Chapter 1
Their red and black hulls proudly displayed the horde crest, and their large wooden cabins looked like peculiarly-misplaced kodo carts. this balloon was brightly colored and smaller... much smaller.
Love in Azeroth
As soon as what sounded like a kodo falling off thunder bluff hit his forked ear the green muscular humanoid twisted his head to the west and mounted his wolf quickly taking off in the direction of the crash.
Tauren Tale, Chapter 4
"i feel like i was trampled by herd of kodos," he groaned. she felt much the same. she closed her eyes and rested her head for a while before trying to stand up. they had been so wet, so soaked to the bone, that the summer sun was a blessed relief.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 37
Looking at hyker and irro and kodo's wounds, hezzi suddenly felt terrified. what in the cora's name had happened out there? he couldn't stay here any longer, he had to get out. he had to _see_.
Love Locust - 2/3
Strapped on an anti-g seat sized for a kodo dragon and half buried into the self-shaping cushions, the gray cat looks minuscule.