Onmyouji Wars: Pilot
kouya began thinking as he heard shinji talking.
Canines' Autumn Ch. 4: Birthday
Pleased with ten's appearance, kouya smiled back. "my pleasure."
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 16
kouya said. "if we find a gemstone, will that be an exception?" "let's get going." kouya laughs. the two of us search around for any weird shape rock.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 18
Keisuke turns to kouya. "so, how did you meet kelly, kouya?" "i met him at the raimon, he's staying at minasato after his bus broke down." kouya explained. "you mean, he's one of the survivors of that fatal bus crash?" keisuke pointed it out.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 12
kouya's steps are heard, but all of the sudden, a metallic crash sounded from the bus, something just collapsed inside. the light was gone, there's something blocking it. "kouya? kouya!" i panicked. "kouya, are you okay?! kouya!"
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 32
kouya said. "here's my phone number, kelly." kouya gives me a piece of paper with digit numbers. i smiled. "thank you, kouya, and here's mine." i handed him my numbers. kouya takes a look. "you got two phone numbers?"
Winter Breeze Ch. 2
kouya sneered. "o-oh it's nothing. nothing at all! eheh..." a cold sweat formed on my head. but deep inside me, i wish kouya haven't done that to me. _"kouya, you jerk. damn you!"_ "that's what i thought." shin-kun said.
welcome to verra-part 3 school day excites
Ran up to him and glomped him hugging tightly.sin would say lets get going as he took kouyas hand,kouya would blush smiling happily as they walked down his houses porch to the street.we begin to walk along the side walk to kouyas school ,side by side lightly
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 29
kouya rushed in to grab me but he fell in with me instead. the floor throw us into the hole. kouya embraces me before we landed on the ground. it felt smooth, but i'm not sure if kouya hurt his back. "kelly, you're okay?"
Madarao's Love Quest chapter: 3 Kouya's crush
"and i love you too kouya." i replied. "harder, ginro please fuck me harder! i want to feel you climax inside of me!" kouya begged me.
Winter Breeze Ch. 7
kouya dropped the silverware with utter surprise, "oh my god mom! please don't make conclusions like that!" "be well as it may, kouya," he spoke in a suspiciously calm manner then handed kouya a small nicely gift-wrapped box.
Canines' Autumn Ch. 7: Two-Player
kouya and shun play a game in the evening then later on talk about kouya. sitting on the side of the ring, kouya was watching juuichi and ten bow to each other in the center, the two finished with today's training.