His eyes started to search the stars and constellations he found what he thought was the lapros star system and sat with his eyes fixed on it thinking of the rabbit he left behind.
Hibernation heat
So far things had been going very well, the restaurant had gotten several good reviews and polar food was proving very popular among the rabbit's of lapros.
Heat 17
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* lapros spaceport was a busy place, especially for two fathers and their young child, a unique toddler.
Heat 10 the rescue
However, from that act of heroism an alliance had been born, the human republic, the canine alliance and the lapros free state had combined forces to fight against the dragos imperium invaders.
Trapped heat
"our destination is lapros, please can you confirm clearance to depart?" the human asked impatiently, he hated using his ship to ferry passengers.
Camping in heat - commission
The teenager griped, his father had forbidden all communication equipment on this six day hike through the forests just north of lapros city.
It was his turn to stare slack jawed, your mate joins you in heat, it was a very basic principle of relationships on lapros. how could the fox not understand this?
The not so great escape
"five years, my family was travelling back to lapros from prime. the ship we were on was taken by dragos slavers." as the rabbit replied the human could hear the pain in his voice. "how old are you?" "sixteen."
In transit
They knew that if the alliance, between the human republic, the canine alliance and the lapros free state, lost the war then the dragos would not stop at their boarders.
Heat 15
"well, we're both officially citizens of lapros, so if anything happened there would be some serious consequences." pointed out benny his voice sounding a little defensive and the two walked on in silence.
Heat 16
The rabbit knew the bear had always felt a little out of place on lapros. it was wonderful to see him back with his family and fully accepted. the ice fields proved to be just as breathtaking as dillon had said they were.
Heat 5
John had to admit it had been a crazy couple of years, he'd been stuck on lapros with no job and no prospects. then he'd seen the flight and fight racing being shown in a coffee shop one day.