Krystal, Rouge and Renamon 10 - The Brave Rescue

The figure soon changed colour to reveal it was in fact terra, "can't hold an lgd by chains. that's the problem with bondage!" she gave a smile and thumbs up to krystal.

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Joining the Aces: A short story

My natural lgd body gave me physical strength, but as i rarely needed to work out much, i could have been better.    i poured everything i had into my right arm, gritting my teeth and grunting with effort. 

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an endless voyage ch 44

A week prior to repairs to Excalibur being complete, Maya and Karen had gone into labor. As Kayla had to pilot the Admiral's Yahct into orbit for the births, Maya had left May in command on the planet below. For Maya it ended up being her easiest...

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an endless voyage ch 45

Beyond the anomalie field and back on course, the fleet had dropped out of hyperspace to let their new engines cool down. It was also an opportunity to check out one of the planets marked on the Xian starcharts. Maya had initially put the fleet on...

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The Odd Life Ahead (Book 2)

._ of course, angelina just laughed at me anda;sfkljg'gd's;lgd gah he needs to get off this thing! (angelina here) i will have to read it later and see what he wrote about me hehe.

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