Shadow of the Father, Chapter 2

maxon will know where to stop." sinch sniffed. "he doesn't look like he knows good food." "i'll order him to find some." they emerged into another crowded street.

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A Mutants Life Part 2: Settling In

A Mutant's Life Part 2: Settling In With a swift kick, Felix knocked open the door to the roof of the warehouse that him, Rick, Lug, and Caine, were calling home.  Behind him he was dragging a lounge chair made out of extra chairs in the office area...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 9 - Titans Fight [End]

[[Series continued in a new story]] New Life in New Vegas Part 9: Titans Fight Rick hunkered down against a large rock, peaking around the corner as he could see the fires of the Fiend town just ahead of...

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A Mutants Life Part 1: Home for the Homeless

A Mutants Life Part 1: Home for the Homeless A huge lumbering form could be seen on the horizon, his naked green body gleaming with a layer of sweat as he crossed the desert.  A smaller muscled jackrabbit was sitting on his shoulder, wearing a pair of...

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New Life in New Vegas AU #1 - Rick the Titan

This is an Alternate Universe version of my story that is not official canon with the main plot of New Life in New Vegas.  This is just for fun to push the boundary of things :D New Life in New Vegas Alternate Universe #1 - Rick the Titan --Two Weeks...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 1 - New Beginning

New Life in New Vegas Slowly, the thin coyote woke up from his restless sleep.  The room was dimly lit aside from an extremely bright one hanging above him.  A bit of movement soon made him realize that he was strapped down to a table, a cold, metal,...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 2 - The Journey

New Life in New Vegas Part 2: The Journey Ricky lunged at the huge Deathclaw again, grasping for his fierce claws, one of which was gleaming with the Coyote mutants green blood, an open gash across his left pectoral, snarling wildly.  He was easily...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 8 - Danger in the Desert

New Life in New Vegas Part 8: Danger in the Desert With Lugnut fully healed from the traum he went through a week ago, surviving the Boomer's onslaught and then being midly transforming into a stronger mutant Jackrabbit, him and Rick had gone out to...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 7 - The Hero

New Life in New Vegas Part 7: The Hero BOOOOOOOM! The loud explosion shook the surrounding landscape, echoing over the hills, causing Rick to jump behind a large rock near the edge of the cliff as he slowly glanced around the side.  A blast of debris...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 6 - Recovering the Past

New Life in New Vegas Part 6: Recovering the Past "God dammit!  Stupid door!" Rick growled out as he bent lower to squeeze himself into the bunker he had escaped from weeks ago.  An initial bout of past fear startled himself slightly, causing him to...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 5: Battle of the Mutants

New Life in New Vegas Part 5: Battle of the Mutants The lone Super Mutant left lunged at the giant lizard, gun blazing and emptying every round into it before wielding it as a weapon to bash the emerald green head in to avenge the death of his fallen...

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New Life in New Vegas Part 4: A Challenger Appears

New Life in New Vegas Part 4: A Challenger Appears ----At Mondales Destroyed Lab---- The ruined bunker is a mess, Rick having left in a rage, tearing through underground facility, throwing open doors and tearing them off their hinges before squeezing...

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