Mightyena and Me: Part 3- A New Home?
He loosed a delighted growl, his signature noise to let me know that he loved the feeling. i smiled a bit more and rubbed my nose against him a bit longer, all the while listening to his delight.
Getting to know each other Pt.2 (End of Day 1)
I crouch down and i roll a ball of lightning across the ground deeper into the large opening, as it rolls along it reveals the still empty space but i also start to hear a loud hissing noise.
890 The Alignment of the Spheres
She mentally cross-references the locations and positions she heard the noise coming from before and yes, it would fit.
Noises from a Cabin on the Trail
John made the same noise as the other bear as walt returned to his hole and ran his tongue along the length of his crack. he pushed back a little and smiled, "could be nice..." he said and moaned louder.
Games and Noise (Otherwise Untitled)
~ With the shower of flashing lights and garishly rattling music, Jake stared intently at the trio of metal bottles some yards away on their platform. The dragon's knuckles flexed around the second of the three balls his payment had secured. The kobold...
Thief of Hearts
Entering the palace was easy; with a few thrown bottles of beer he made enough noise as to attract the gate guard. with a quick jump from the shadows, an old rag choking the wakefulness from the dog guard, it was over.
Change of Plans
_Rustle, rustle...CRRRRRRRRRRRUNCH! CRUNCH! Crunch...rustle..._ "Come on, Mika," Apollo said gently, arriving in the doorway separating the kitchen and living room, "Put the chips away so I can take you out to that fancy Italian place on the...
Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 2
Part 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Hay look we're only a few miles away from the Greenbrier, us two stayed there while we were on our...
"Technology Trouble" - Story by Kaz
That was the only noise he could make as a sudden series of disgusting squelches met his ears, followed by the thick 'thump' of the gator's balls whacking his own.
Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 5
Suddenly a rumbling noise came from above them. kauto jumped back as he looked up at the large rocks tumbling down the mountain towards them. 'err chet, stones.' kauto said as he pointed up in slight fear.
Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 1
The button was a switch to open the exhaust tail pipes to increase the noise dramatically. 'oh man what sound, go on ring eye rev that v10......................wooooooooooooohhhh!' kauto shouted as the zonda raced past him.
In This Class, You Get Transformed
Darwin heard the noise and looked back. she saw a number of students looking back towards the trees and knew something was up. she walked back there, "what's going on?"