Mango After Dark part 5
Mango After Dark part 5 Characters and setting by TGWeaver and Pokemaniacal Cowritten with 4ball who also provided the art. * * * The morning sunrise illuminated the quiet now park forest...
Rainy Forecast
This felt great however at the same time he panicked as he was unable to pull away from the paw pad at all now.
Rainy Forecast: CV
Feeling the goo from the paw pad cling to his body even as he was pulled free from it. in a way it felt weird to move his limbs freely again. they had been enveloped by the goo inside the paw pad what felt like all day, a very long one at that.
M/M - Cat in the Wall - 3
The tiger grunting through his tingling paw pads when a new sensation of warm breath hits his sweaty foot paw.
Video Call
I'm gonna run your collar through a couple of pawpads for starters..." "mmm-hmm, we can certainly start there."
Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine
Cloud was pulled on his side with rye but he kept his body between the otter and the pawpad. reaching around the cloud the blue otter was just out of reach of the pawpad.
I Want My Friend's Brother
He traced his fingers over the tops of the toes, before moving his hand down and pressing his thumbs into the warmth of those pawpads.
Camping (2004)
With clenched teeth, joshia humps upwards into the air and stays there, his footpads sinking into the muddy lakebed, the edges of his toes vanishing from the force of his strong legs pushing.
Volunteer's Attraction
Etis coiled one of his paws around and dragged it up the underside of the member, scooping the pre-cum directly onto his pawpad. he curled his toes around the tapered end, his paw standing vertical, parallel to troy's member.
"Glory" to Mother Russia
He raised his plantigrade feet up, curling his toes around the thick member and pushing his pawpads and toepads against the warmth and muscle.
Jamie’s Night Out: Part 3
Jamie attacked the rubbery paw pads with board strokes. he was making david tremble. with each swipe, the dire wolf's paw pads splayed open and balled shut. "david, you should relax and just enjoy the touch of my tail," said jamie.
M/M - Cat in the Wall - 2
J has the cutest, plumpliest toe beans. nice and moisturized. saber rubbed his thumb over each toe and felt the smoothness of it slide against his own fingerpad.