Medivial Love Pt 1

One day xander was walking through the palace courtyard and noticed a dashing peasant; he immediately grabbed him and hauled him back to the king, telling him how he wanted the peasant cheetah for his own.

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The poor peasant had been dutifully out collecting mushrooms when the king's captain of the guard brought him to the castle.

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To Dream of Darkness III - Ch 41

Kira-sama and keiko-chan were to ride in a small sedan chair like box, carried by two peasant porters. four other peasants carried packs, and two more peasants carried a platform between them, bearing two elaborate chests.

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To Dream of Darkness III - Ch 42

Ichitama released the peasants from his spell as they left, and placed the new ones under his control.

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When she returned her gaze to the peasant, he was staring at her pussy with fearful lust. "looks good, right?" she asked. "all of me?" when the peasant actually nodded, she laughed.

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Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 3

The peasants did not harass royalty if they wanted to keep their lives so she began her exploration of the many stalls outside of the cottages.

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He sent some of his most loyal and skillful spies, and they came back frightened that the peasants had been able to afford to purchase defensive weaponry that rivaled what the king was buying for his own elite knights.

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Nightmare Pinata

" **this peasant has been filled with candy. if any of you manage to break him before dawn, then you will have the prize.

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Remnants of Love and Hope

Jules looked to his son with disdain as he replaced his sword, "no son of mine is going to denounce his heritage and live as a peasant!"

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The Days and the Seasons

Like most french peasants, judoc guiscard rose before dawn.

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Virishian History

peasants were kept into a state of servitude and ignorance; the first scholastic academies were privilege of the rulers while sacerdotal orders and their religious faiths played an instrumental part to justify wars and fool the peasants with promises of afterlife

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The Iron Wolf Chapter 2, the peasant's minister

Then after another while, the steward came in with two peasants. he bowed and said, " sir, may they speak to you?" " sure. not much happening anyway."

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