Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 8

#28 of consortium and we finally get to see what the shipment is.

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A visit and its memories I

_ _ then badr's eyes was on the rat, glaring at him before speaking, "i want triple the shipment in three weeks." he said, holding his fingers up, "and the responsible gang leader's head, comprende?"

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Monday Tea: Evening Cake

The first and most pressing news was that they had received their first shipment from the home office. it had taken them a year to get the shipment since there was a huge backlog and this town and country were a minor part of their plan.

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The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1) (Draft 2)

The transactions of my journey were nearing its end, and i meant on socializing with old friends once the last of these shipments was taken care of.

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Rise To Power Chapter 2

Do you have any good ones left from the last shipment?" "enough to complete one ship ma'am." she nods and tosses the defective pully with the others of its shipment.

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A Patient Death 03: The Gift of Guilt

"and what if i - purely by accident - happened upon a canal shipment of supplies and armour bound for the newly sovereign nation of lyskirk? why, there's one such shipment leaving hieron tonight i hear, i already sent some artificers to intercept it.

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Death In The Holy Land: PROLOGUE

Just last week they received a shipment of fifty t-90 tanks. but more alarming is this."

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Gravity chapter 1

That would give him enough time to pack up the shipment and get it prepared to be delivered.

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The Long Haul

Myron continued, "so yeah, i've got a rush order on this shipment, need it in the ortoga quadrant asap." "ortoga!?" chester flipped out, "you trying to get us killed?

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(CH12) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

"well, he said something about mass-producing needle tipped bullets, and getting a shipment of 400 crates into them by friday." i said to them. faline shook her head.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 5

In minutes, the manager of the eatery answered him, "good morning, i have one shipment out five of lobsters." "oh, good! we're fresh out since last night!" he said as he took the clipboard, and signed it below his shipment order.  

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 16 -- Two Down...But It's Far From Over

Last night i overheard the guards speaking of a shipment of vital supplies coming. if we destroy that shipment, or disable whatever's in it, they'll need to pull out and we'll have enough time to grab the last crystal.

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