Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 7

spears at the ready, the cryokinetics launched themselves off the walls directly at us, determined to kill. but they overlooked one thing: my arms were still free.

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What I've Been Waiting For

A painful throbbing filled the canine's head upon waking up, and he immediately wished he had some sleeping pills. With a groan, he tossed the cover down on the carpet and slowly pushed himself off the bed. He must have looked rather pathetic crawling...

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Dream Come True

Lights of various colors came down in rays over the people dancing, loud generic techno music playing. This was a dance club, but not exactly a normal one. It was specifically for people who wanted to become something different for a short time. To get...

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Shadow of Light

The idea for this story came to me in a dream about me and my boyfriend. I added in things on my own to make it more interesting to write. I don't think it's as good as some of the other things I've made. Plus, I felt pretty uncomfortable with the idea...

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AAAAH!" a female raccoon screamed loudly, feeling the absolute most pain she ever felt in her life. "Push, push!" the doctors instructed. "It's going to be okay, Jill," Dan attempted to comfort, holding his wife's hand. His voice was...

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A dull yellow light flickered above he fox's head, while the sound of a whirring fan went on tirelessly. The room was small, the carpet old and stained, and the walls made of splintery wood. 'At least it has its own bathroom,' the fox thought as he...

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When Penguins Fly

Repetitive music played on loop from the ceiling speakers of the busy supermarket. A short, chubby penguin in a gray shirt and pants stood behind a cash register, while an endless line of creatures flooded his aisle, while the grimy conveyer belt...

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Dew shimmered on the window from the fading evening light, giving a lackluster amount of visibility inside the office. With each passing moment, the sky faded until it was gray, and the water gradually froze into a thin layer of ice, blurring the...

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Life is But a Game

Wind blew over the green field, the grass and trees rustling together. Dew from the previous night's rain was carried with it, providing a grassy and earthy scent to the air. White puffy clouds lazily grazed over the ocean blue sky while a white fennec...

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Larc huffed angrily as he plopped down into the cushy chair of the counselor's office. This wasn't the first time this very week the fifteen-year-old grey cat had been in here. The boy was a trouble maker, a well-known bully in...

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Misadventures from Below

Yeah, sorry for not posting this sooner. =( But I don't have Internet for my own computer right now, so I have to do all this stuff on another PC, which is on dial-up and I'm using Wordpad. I wish the situation was better, but I use what I have. I...

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Saved by the Fang

It was a nice day for the small, busy trade town. The sky was clear, the sun was bright and big puffy white clouds were high in the sky, floating lazily in the wind. As was usual for the marketplace, it was packed full of...

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