Tales of Azoria - Chapter 15
I try my best to avoid stellaris as much as possible in my missions, so i'mma need you to show me where the throne room is." azuri nodded, gesturing for his father to begin following him.
Tales of Azoria - Prologue
Only two palaces remained, one within oceana and one within stellaris. no god or goddess came to stop him or put him back into the earth.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 16
We saved stellaris, and it's all thanks to my dad. azuri never thought he would say those words, but he did and meant it. his dad was a true hero, even if his tactics aren't entirely ethical.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 14
Azuri took one last glance to his house before looking ahead at his father and beginning to head straight toward stellaris's palace, where they would eventually meet with bossbiss for the final time.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 11
He flapped his wings hard as he flew away from the stellaris kingdom, heading straight toward vaermia in the distance. as soon as he was halfway back, he stopped himself when several florian guards appeared in front of him.
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 1)
Number two **stellaris** -the galaxy-sized grand strategy game by paradox interactive is one of the games i have sunk the most hours into in total, exceeded only by the next entry on this list.
Xeno-Compatibility: Operation Spread Eagle
Citizen State of Fevnor Estimated Population: 353 Billion Culture: Egalitarian, Militarist, Materialist. Government Structure: Citizen/Progenitor Republic Demographics: By species; 97% Fevarian with 3% immigrant or uplifted. 52% of the population...
Curiosity Shrunk The Cat (Story Commission)
At first glance, isaac thought it was a miniature of a dyson sphere, much like the one used in the paradox game, stellaris. but as he looked at the object up close, it became increasingly odd.