2 Wolrds - The Truth

On sakuras suprize some how crystals mearged whit one another and formed one crystal in shape of heart. drax and sakura was looking at crystal and looked at each anothers eyes and kissed passionatly for rest of day unthil night fall.

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The Markings

Just nodded his eyes watering slightly feeling like he just sold his soul to lucifer, not noticing archer biting on his tail pulling him back onto the bed before laying ontop of him their sheath's rubbing against each other's as archer did something that suprized

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Free's Shadow

Shadow quickly punched the alarm box to shut it up "i'm suprized the alarm still works, and thanks for alerting anyone here of our exictince" "relaxe it's not like anyone's here" "well we dont know that now do we?"

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The begining

If she was suprized she didnt show it. "if you think you have an advatage over me just becouse you can make it easier for the police to find me." she said in an angry wisper.

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2 Worlds - Hot afternoon

Sakura just smile when he kissed her on a cheek what suprized her and her friends.

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2 Worlds - New missione, New world

Drax started sensing some chind of deamon in side of naruto and place his sword on his neck what totly suprized him and sakura when they sow razor sharp blade on narutos neck.

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Swat Kats:Lust Day

Both were suprized at what the other said. they both slowly slid closer to each other. "i want this so bad chance." "so do i." they both locked muzzles in a long passionate kiss.

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The four strange dragons looked at james with a shocked, and quite suprizing expressions on his face. "nosghoul, come before the remaining four".

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Falling Snow ~Page One~

She screeched loudly in an half suprized and half shocked voice, making half the class look back at them. "keep it down!" she growled quietly to her as most of the class turnt back around. "whos devin?"

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He opened his eyes slowly, as if he thought he had died, but to his suprize, all he saw was a startled, and disgusted looking crowd. "throw him out!" shouted a woman from the street. "it wasn't his fault, let him stay!" said another woman back.


Faron part 1.5

When faron awoke it was about sun down and it was suprizingly colder out. realizing that he had no firewood left faron sprinted into his hut grabbing his ax and his waterbottle.

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The party [PART 5]

He went out and got suprized by the wold waiting infront of the door. "please...tell me what happened." "i-it's ok. please leave me alone for a second." "oh..ok..." the wolf said, going into the living room. the leopard was obviously pissed.

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