Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Four
tarot asked. grape had explained everything on their way over. "i don't think he did any permanent damage, but he definitely scared him." "this is worse than i thought," tarot mused.
Housepets! - Max Me Another
"miss dragon, i do really like you and all, but i don't_know_ you, so i can't very well 'choose' you over tarot, you know?" he paused, before adding, "right?" _can't choose me...over tarot?
The Housepet Games
Grape followed him to the front door, where tarot, bino, fox, king, and max were standing. "i foresaw that you were going to call us over to play pretend," tarot said. "awesome!" peanut shouted, fistpumping the air.
The Housepet Games: Chapter Four
Then, before his eyes, tarot's body dissipated into a cloud of smoke, leaving nothing behind. bino blinked in surprise. in the distance, a loud boom rang out, and tarot's face appeared in the sky, the word "deceased" underneath it.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 39
The castle shook then he turned to tarot heart, who was looking out past the clouds. "any sign of anyone, tarot heart?" tarot heart shook his head, "nope, just all of you."
Housepets: Can Sleep
tarot was on the other side of him. max cradled grape's head, let his belly be her pillow, spreading out into all remaining space. peanut shifted again. a familiar bump pressed against her butt.
Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Six
Peanut was still for a moment, and then he reached down and picked up tarot in a big hug. "thank you, tarot!" he exclaimed. "thank you, thank you, thank you!" "so, does this mean you'll stay?" grape asked as he put the pomeranian back on the floor.
Peaceable Kingdom
The only thing that could bring him any form of entertainment was a shuffle and draw of the tarot which he always brought with him in the suitcase, while waiting for the meetings to start. "so what will happen today, tarot?"
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 33
"shhh, be quiet tarot. i have something very important for you." tarot heart nodded as soul heart fumbled with the package she held in her hand.
The Housepet Games: Chapter Two
At first, peanut thought that something had gone wrong and he'd been left out of tarot's spell. just as he was about to call out, though, the floor lurched beneath his feet, and he felt himself slowly begin to rise. an elevator!
The Fool
#6 of sawtooth this story originally appeared in the coyotl award winning arcana: a tarot anthology as "the first step".
Housepets! - Teaser? I hardly even KNOW her!
Grinning, sabrina said, "you and tarot have been holed up in here since your date _three days ago_. i just need to grab tarot for a second. the ides of march ritual and all that, then you can have her back." "tarot? you mean she isn't with _you?