Sudden Vacation (A2,B2,C14)

"tessen." "what's that?" topaz turned to her brother with a dull glare. "seriously? tessen, fox." she saw his look of confusion and sighed. "foxie, i swear. they're iron war fans." "oh, that's what they're called?

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To Hell And Back (A1, B10, C15)

tessen fans, a katana, and her tightly-packed satchel, which was strapped to her back - she had weapons, food, and photographs of her loved ones. "i can do this," she whispered. sinopa drew in deep, calming breaths. she exhaled the same way.

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Code Oblivion Rebellion : Chapter 2

I was surprised however when i say all the options... there were guns.., lot's of guns several bladed weapons and what looked like twin tessens with serrated edges. i had no idea what to choose... _ 'choose the swords.

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The Beast and the Burden (Chapter 17, book7)

**tamamo drew her tessen** and snapped the war fan open. in her left hand, palm up, she created a glowing flame that crackled with intense heat.

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Battlefield Hymn (Chap20, Book9)

She had tessen fans on her hips, and a sword on her back. "karla..." "i know, i know, i'm sorry." she stepped back from succubus and said, "we must clear this realm.

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Brooklyn and Katana's First Night

He pretended he didn't see it as he set it with her war fans, her tessen, in an old chest next to the bed. the wakizashi went with them.

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Portal of Destiny (Chap17, Book9)

She held a helmet under one arm, had two swords on each hip, and tessen fans on the front of her belt. she had two metallic daggers, known as sais, on leg holsters. the room stopped and turned to face her. conner approached her.

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Out of the Frying Pan (A1, B1, C8)

Sinopa snapped a tessen war fan shut and pushed it into a sheath on her sash. she reached for the handle of a katana on her other hip. "you want some help?" karla grinned.

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