Between Sun and Moon

Perhaps it was speciesism, as the carnivorous wolves were not trusted amongst the species who did not partake in the feast of flesh and bone, perhaps it was just more mundane xenophobia but every time davis wanted to take part in some ceremony or ritual, he

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Lykos-Apocalypse Ch. 2

The answer is human ignorance and xenophobia. hitler used that to his advantage as he used propaganda to paint jews as less than; as something other.

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Astral High - Chapter 9

[seth] "yeah it does, heard of xenophobia?" [me] "so, you went to school with them?" [seth's mom] "mhm. don't worry, i know how to behave at other peoples' houses and stuff."

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Therapy Works

**Therapy Works** By XP Author Ron stepped off the bus, holding up a hand to wave goodbye as the driver, Larry, wished him well. He didn't really know the opossum personally, but since he was on this particular bus twice every week for the last...

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Chapter 13

"xenophobia and the means to justify it are what caused massacres in the past, change and power are no different."

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Chapter Five - The Two Sides Of Kieran O'Rourke

The krethanex were notorious for their xenophobia regarding other insectoid races. truthfully the naefti were better off with the rovellans than being absorbed into the royal dominion of the krethanex.

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Freedom Fighters (Part 1)

**Freedom Fighters** Part 1 By XP Author "For crimes against the government, sedition, conspiracy of rebellion, acts of treason, and theft of goods belonging to civilians, we, the people of the Besarta United Confederation, sentence you rebels and...

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That Vicious Dwagon

xenophobia has clearly been a factor in that - after all, the four feet of lively and frisky draconic creature posed no damage whatsoever, be it to villages, larger settlements, or even the majesty of the royal butt of the king himself!

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Differentials: Part 9 - Reality Check

Even though the reklan were perfectly fine citizens, xenophobia was what struck the humans the most.

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No Longer Alone

Due inpart to an unknown xenophobia (or just common sense) i decided to make myself scarce and moved off to a hidden spot to watch the outcome.

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Caged Rat

Yay xenophobia... no sexy times in this one, but a lot of story and a lot of torture for one poor rat in particular. it gets a bit... eh, you'll see. i might do more in besarta, maybe a follow-up to this, or another den.

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The Wild River - Relief

I'd expected the same level of xenophobia i'd seen everywhere else. what i didn't expect was a communal area not entirely unlike the ones my family had on our own ship.

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